Page 17 of Unspoken Vendetta

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"Amalfi Royale," Leanna comments casually and my heart sinks. I didn't really want my dad to know I went there. "And when it came time to leave Amelia didn't…" I kick her hard under the table and she jumps in fright, spilling fruit juice down the front of her blouse. "Oops." She says, then shoots me an apologetic smile. She knows I wouldn't want my parents to know I went home with a random guy last night. Especially not that random guy who isn't actually so random given the whole picture.

"What happened when it came time to leave?" My father asks his mouth tight.

Leanna laughs. "Gia and I couldn't get her off the dance floor. This girl loves to dance. Anyways, we had to drag her back to the car to get her out of there."

"Oh." My dad chuckles, sounding relieved. "But listen, girls, I don't actually want you to go back to the Amalfi Royale Casino. That family is bad news. You know they are our rivals, and I don't want either of you getting hurt. If they found out who you really were there is no telling what they would do to you. I know it's not beneath them to kidnap and uh - hurt - members of rival families. That family is… messed up. The guy who owns the casino, Stefano Amalfi, is nothing but evil."

"It's not like anyone there would have known who we are." I shrug, trying to make light of the situation. The fact that my father very specifically mentioned Stefano's name has Leanna and I glancing at each other nervously. She pulls her mouth to the side.

"No one would know us. We just went to dance and then left."

"It just takes one person to recognize you, Amelia. I am telling you that you may not go back there. Do you understand?" his voice is tight and stern. It's the voice he uses when there is no negotiation and I know better than to argue. The whole lunch table has fallen into an awkward hush, and I can feel the heat on my cheeks. It turns out I do blush a lot more than I thought I did.

"Ok, Dad. We won't go back." I nod. My aunt picks up her drink and says to my mom, loudly across the table to break the awkward tension. "This lunch is absolutely superb, little sister. You've outdone yourself as always."

The conversation begins to roll again, and Leanna raises her brows at me mouthing the word sorry. I glance at my dad, scared that he noticed, but he is chatting with his brother.

I promised him we wouldn't go back to the casino because the owner had a bad reputation. Except, now that I have met Stefano, I know I won't be able to stay away from him. I don't know what it is about him, but I am completely addicted. I can't wait to see him again.

I feel so bad keeping it from my parents, but I am old enough to make my own choices now. Stefano won't hurt me. I can't imagine a side of him like the one my father suggests.

Oh, I know the stories about his family. They are really dark. I've heard terrible things about torture and murder. But the man I met last night - that isn't who I think he is.

After lunch, all the adults are chatting and Leanna and I both land up in the kitchen getting something to drink.

"I'm so sorry." She giggles. "I can't believe I almost gave that away. I wasn't thinking. I'm so hungover."

"Don't stress. I think it went over ok. Gosh if my dad found out I left with Stefano he might have a heart attack."

"Are you going to tell me how it was though?" She whispers.

I grin, my cheeks begin to glow warmly, and I bite my lower lip.

Leanna starts laughing. "Oh wow, ok, it was that good."

I nod. "It was so good."

"Are you seeing him again?"

"I don't know. It's really risky." I shrug. Of course, I am one hundred percent seeing him again, but Leanna is terrible at keeping a secret so I don't know if I should let her know that.

I mean she already almost threw me under the bus by accident. She is the sweetest, most fun person - but I think it's better if I don't tell anyone about my relationship that is starting with Stefano.

The rest of the day is filled with family conversations. My aunts and uncles kept drilling me for information about when I started college and where I was going with my life, and by the time they were all gone I was so tired I just flopped down onto my bed. It's already getting dark outside and I'm ready to curl up in bed and go to sleep.

I hardly got any sleep last night and it's starting to catch up to me.

I stretch out and grab my phone.

I have a few messages. The top two are the ones that catch my eye.

First, I open the message from my sister.

Serina: Hey you. Don't worry, in a few months you'll be here at Saint Aquinas with me. We can spend all our free time together and I'll show you around all the cool places.

Me: I'll be the lucky girl with the older sister. I'll be in with the cool kids right from the beginning.

Serina: oh please, like you ever needed help being one of the cool kids.

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