Page 107 of Unspoken Vendetta

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"I don't give a fuck what he does with the bodies or how you justified this whole shit show. I want to know where the building is."

"The building's called Grey Stone Towers. It's falling apart. Abandoned. But that's where he works from. I think the street name is Ferndale or something like that."

He has shifted across the floor, propping himself up against the back of one of the steel tables. His eyes are locked on me, scared, wondering what's going to happen next.

"All good. I've got it on Google Maps." I say, staring down at my phone and the location of Grey Stone Towers.

"Thanks for your help, Pillia. I was never here."

"Yeah, sure, sure, I never saw you before in my life." He agrees.

I turn towards the door to leave and James pulls it open for me.

"You get what you need?"

"Got it.

"Where are we going?" he asks, keeping pace behind me as we head back towards the elevators. I'm eager to go straight to Grey Stone Towers. I don't want to waste another second.

"Abandoned part of town. I'll send the location to your phone."

"I'll call for backup."

"I'm not waiting. Have them meet us there." James immediately gets onto his phone to call the team.

We head out to the car and the GPS tells me we are twenty-five minutes away.

Those twenty-five minutes are the longest in my life.

I feel so close to saving them, but so far, knowing anything can happen in that time.

James drives as though the devil is chasing us. The sun is beginning to peak over the tops of the buildings and morning traffic is starting. "Go around. We don't have time."

James pulls onto the pavement and people scream, leaping out of the way as he slams his hand against the horn.

Once we are clear of the busy parts of town the driving gets easier.

This area is shady. It's decrepit and dirty, the perfect place to run an illegal black market organ trafficking ring.

"What the fuck did you get yourself into, Matteo?" I say to myself as we drive past abandoned buildings towards Grey Stone Towers.

Finally, James pulls up outside a tall, dark, and looming building.

I stare up towards the top, which is hidden above the clouds. For the life of me, I can't figure out how the building is still standing it's so broken and old.

On one corner the entire wall has fallen away, and I can see into what was once someone's apartment.

I pull out my gun as we enter the foyer. Back in its day, it might have been a beautiful place, but not anymore. Now it's a hellhole - a cesspool of death and stench.

"Keep your eyes open," I whisper. "They could be anywhere.

On each floor we pause, listening, tilting our heads, staying quiet.

But lucky for me, Matteo is a fucking idiot and by the time we reach the top of the stairs on the third floor we can hear their voices traveling towards us. He isn't even trying to be quiet. I guess he truly believed he was untouchable.

I signal to James to stay behind me. I don't want to take any risks because of the lives at stake here.

Just outside the door, with our backs pressed against the wall, James nods to let me know he's ready. I'm going in first. James must wait outside.

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