Page 81 of When I Fall In Love

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“Oh, good. We should be there early too. I need to see Hannah’s face.”

“Yep. And poor Lucy. She’s not going to catch up on her sleep soon.”

“Lucy is a tour de force,” I say on a chuckle.

“I’d love to see her in a French chef’s kitchen. I wonder what they make of her there.”

“She’s probably quiet and shy. I’ve watched a few cooking shows and those chefs are intimidating.”

“My baby cousin is intimidating.”

I smile as my gaze keeps on wandering back to our Christmas stockings. “Hunter?”

“Hmm?” His hand is playing with my hair where it falls over my shoulder and it’s so relaxing.

“I don’t want to wait until tomorrow morning to open up our stockings.”

He groans out a sigh of relief and then laughs. “Neither do I. Did you read my mind?”


He stands and reaches for my stocking where it hangs next to his. He unhooks it and comes back to me. “Get yours too,” I whisper. My whole body is a rush of shivers now that the moment is upon me.

“There’s nothing in here,” Hunter says with a hitched brow.

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that if I were you.”

“Oh. Okay.” He unhooks it and gives it a shake. “This stocking is as light as a feather.”

Oh, how smug can I actually get today?

He doesn’t sit down next to me again, but instead he goes down on one knee at my feet and places my stocking on my lap.

Oh. My. God. I knew he was going to ask at some point, it was just a question of when and how but this… this is perfection, and his timing is perfect too. Our eyes connect and my heart skips a beat.

Hunter picks up my stocking and holds it for me to dip my hand in deep. I giggle as I fish a ring box from the stocking’s toe. “Oh.” My eyes widen as I see the logo on the box. “Oooh.” Hunter isn’t holding anything back.

He takes the box from my trembling fingers and pops it open. A gorgeous solitaire blinks in the light and I hold my breath as he slips it on my ring finger. “Oh God, Hunter. It’s so beautiful.”

He reaches for me and brushes my cheek with his fingertips and gathers my hair behind my ear. “Say yes,” he asks. “Please. To the rest of our lives together.”

“Yes. It’s always been yes, and it always will be yes.”

“Yes,” he says, and then he’s next to me and I’m in his arms and then I’m straddling his lap and we’re kissing until he pulls back, his breath shallow, his hands finding my face.

“I didn’t want to ask you in San Francisco. I wanted to do it here. Now. With the snow outside and in this season which you love so much.”

“Yes.” I get that. Here, where we started and ended up, this is where he should ask me to marry him.

His fingers slip into my hair, and we’re kissing again, every promise of our life together in this moment of passion. “When do you want to get married?” he murmurs against my lips. “In the spring? Or in the summer?”

“Well, it depends on who you want to be there.”

“Everybody, obviously. But Ethan and Liam and Lucy are tricky.”

I nod, but that’s not exactly what I meant. I have a surprise for him too, and I pull away and bite my lip. “Your turn and then we can talk about it,” I murmur as I pull his stocking closer.

“Oh yeah? I think all of this can wait for the morning.” Hunter’s hair is all ruffled where I clung to him, and his cock is pressing deliciously against my sex.

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