Page 102 of Trapped By Desire

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An image that had been turned on its head when he had picked her up off the grass and swept her into the house with such infinite tenderness. The bits and pieces he’d revealed of himself since had only strengthened her belief that he was a man who, like so many others, had sought a way to alleviate a deep grief.

He had alluded to his so-called hedonism that first day in his office. Had given her a little more insight last night. And yes, she thought with a wry smile, there had been plenty of photographic evidence of his lengthy and varied dating history. But he had still managed his duties, still led, balancing profits with the well-being of his employees. That had been a source of confusion as she fought through his constant rebuffs.

Now that they had indulged themselves, perhaps they would be returning to their previous arrangement where they stayed out of each other’s way until she could return to civilization. A prospect that just only thirty-six hours ago, would have been a relief.

But now it just made her feel unsettled. Even a little sad that her time with her first lover would be so brief.

She pulled a book from the shelf. The soft whisper of leather on leather calmed her, as did the quiet crackling of the spine as she opened the book. The delicious scent of old paper drifted up. Her lips curved as she read the words of the familiar story about a man and a woman determined to keep each other at arm’s length despite the passion building between them.

She leaned against the shelf, her fingers tracing over the words. She had been so sure giving in to her desires would send her down the path to ruin. Yet even by the light of day, she couldn’t regret what had happened between them. It had been too pleasurable, wonderful.

It had also left her with a sense of languid relaxation that was carrying her through the morning. Instead of turning her attention immediately to business, she’d enjoyed a muffin on the back terrace, a cup of white tea as she’d strolled through the rose garden, and was now wandering through a massive library instead of reviewing wills, financial documents and lists of personal possessions for other clients.

It was fun, getting to know herself again. To see what activities she was drawn to when she had the rare luxury of a little free time.

A shrill ring cut the silence. Startled, she dropped the book. It took a second for her to realize that the ringing was coming from her pocket. She’d gotten used to the lack of cell reception, the fact that no one could reach her here. Her good mood dissipated when she pulled out her phone and saw who was calling.

“Yes, sir?”

Mr. Nettleton’s voice snapped through the line.

“Why haven’t you been answering my calls?”

“The reception is terrible here.”

“You’re still in France? Has he signed?”

“I’m here, but no—”

Before Rosalind could tell her boss about any on the discussions she’d had with Griffith, a squawk of indignation cut her off, followed by a burst of static.

“ problem removing you from this firm.”

Her chest constricted as her fingers tightened around the phone.

“Excuse me?”

“I said I will remove you not only from this case, but from this firm if you don’t succeed.”

Her heart dropped to her feet. “What?”

“I thought removing the opportunity for promotion would be sufficient incentive to motivate you to get the job done. Obviously, I was wrong.”

Before Rosalind could respond, the call dropped.

Slowly, her hand came down. Blood thundered in her ears as the sunlight streaming through the massive windows turned from a comforting glow to glaring brightness. She sagged against the bookcase, blinking rapidly as she tried to process the bombshell Nettleton had just dropped on her.

Years of hard work. Of pursuing the dream her parents had for her. Of tucking her own hopes away as she’d foregone any type of social life to work harder, do more, be more.

All brought down to one contract the senior partner didn’t have the guts to tackle himself.


His voice slid over her, deep and firm, unexpected kindness in his tone. He stood below her, hands in his pockets, his handsome, scarred face tilted up as he watched her.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning. Are you all right?”

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