Page 13 of Wolves Betrayed

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Anders foughthis way through the still massive amount of Wild Shades. Where was Misti? Was she all right? She had to be. She was a fierce fighter, a true warrior. Kastner had been smart to have her be the wife of the heir of the pack. She would give Talon strong wolf pups one day.

If they both survived.

Damn it all, where was she?

A movement to his left caught his eyes, and he watched two wolves part from a long kiss. His stomach tightened, and his fingers curled into fists when he recognized the two as Misti and Talon.

For a moment, he stood there, watching them, wanting to go over there and interrupt them but also wanting to turn away. The entire battle, in the back of his mind, he had prayed she would be all right. He had every bit of faith she would survive, but Shadowed Stars were known for their treachery, and Red Nightwalkers were no better.

Once Kastner ordered the retreat, he had then started to look for her. It had almost gotten him beheaded as a werewolf suddenly attacked him. After they had fought off and killed the ten werewolves, they had comforted each other. He wanted nothing more than to sweep her into his arms, to carry her to a secluded location, to have his way with her… or for her to have her way with him.

Seeing her kiss her husband, though, shattered his stupid wish. She was never mine. I never had her.

Disgusted, he spat. The blood-tinged saliva landed several feet away. Anders turned to leave. He would stay with the Wild Shades until the war was done. Once he knew Misti would be safe, he would leave. Anders already knew from his exile that he could handle it. He could survive. He would manage.


Night descended rapidly. The battle had waged for a long while and ate up the day and afternoon. Unable to sleep, he thought about finding Youngless, if the old werewolf had survived and if he was awake, and his search brought him to the central ring, where the injured were laying.

A few werewolves tended to the injured, washing their wounds, giving them some alcohol to help block out the pain as well as some for hygiene on open cuts. One of the werewolves tending them was Misti.

As if transfixed, he watched her. She talked to every injured werewolf, seeing if they needed anything. She was compassionate and would make a strong leader one day. Hell, she was a leader already. He’d overheard several werewolves talking about how fiercely she had fought, how she had helped with the last line of werewolves to hold the others back as they retreated.

“Warrior queen,” one of the werewolves had called her, and Anders couldn’t deny her that title. She’d earned it.

She was wearing a robe of some kind. Even in the ill-fitting garb, she looked beautiful.

“I do hope you realize I will cut out your eyes if you continue to look at my wife that way.”

Anders turned slightly to stare at Talon.

The werewolf smiled at him. “I’m joking of course.”

“Of course,” Anders muttered. Maybe Talon really was, but if he knew what Anders really wanted to do to and with Misti, he wouldn’t hesitate to take his eyes or hands or even his cock.

“Look at how they rally around her already. She was meant to be a leader.”

He hated the pride in Talon’s voice. “She had been an heir,” he said almost testily.

“For good reason. It’s a pity her father couldn’t see her for what she truly is.” Talon frowned. “Although if he had, that meant she never would have come to us, and I am so glad she did.”

She did. Not him, though. Disdain was mutual between them.

“I do wonder how the Shadowed Stars and Red Nightwalkers were able to find us,” Talon mused.

The prat did enjoy listening to himself talk.

“No one would want us to be overwhelmed, right?” Talon stared at him, his face a mask.

“If you think I had anything to do with—”

“I don’t think anything of the sort.” Talon mockingly put a hand to his mouth as if he was yawning. “You don’t strike me as the kind to do anything other than what you’re told.”

“I’m not a blind pup,” Anders grounded out.

“No? A pity. Because if you were, I would tell you to forget all about Misti. She isn’t your concern any longer.”

“I am not concerned about her.”

“You lie. Poorly, at that. So long as Misti is alive, I see no reason to doubt your loyalty, but I do not trust you.”

Anders shrugged. “I don’t trust you either.”

Talon chuckled. “Watch your back,” he advised and sauntered away.

Or maybe it’s you who should be watching your back.

As much as he loved Misti, he sure hated her husband with an undying passion.

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