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If this is a ploy to get me to talk more about Matt – I’ll get up and walk right out of here. They will never find all of that fucker.

But I am interested in what he has to say about Christina.

“Cosa is pressuring for an engagement. If you don’t find her a suitable husband before the end of the month, she’ll be married off to him and I will consider this task a failure on your part. If that happens, I’ll be forced to reconsider the timing of stepping down. I won’t leave the empire I’ve built behind only to watch my dumbass son let it crumble around us.” He makes a pointed look.

What the fuck?

Fresh fury bubbles up in my chest, threatening what’s left of my self-control. My hands clench into fists.

Over my dead body.

“Don’t make this my problem, understand?” He says.

I grit my teeth and manage a short nod of my head. It’s taking everything in me to keep my words in check. Even though it might be momentarily satisfying, starting an argument about this with my father won’t solve anything.

And it certainly won’t get him out from behind that desk any faster.

“I understand.”

“Let’s get this all over with then.” He stands, motioning for me to follow him.

We file out of the office, joining Enzo and our security detail in the foyer.

Our work today will be checking materials and shipping manifests for our legal and illegal shipments. It’s essential that all of our records line up correctly, and our shipments are sent underway. I guess kissing Ricci's ass can also be added to that list. Just fucking great.

Enzo gets in the car next to me, sliding into the driver’s seat. My father and his closest men step into the armored SUV beside us.

“How much trouble are we in?” Enzo asks, adjusting the volume of the music. We have to wait for my father and his convoy to pull out before we can follow.

Just a few more months of this bullshit and he will be the one waiting to follow me.

“There’s additional pressure to marry Christina off. As soon as possible.”

Enzo freezes and looks at me.

“The Cosa’s?”

I nod my head. “Now that the Ricci ties are at risk, securing up our relationships is… time sensitive.”

He sighs and drums his fingers on the steering wheel. I know the prospect of marrying her off makes him feel the same way it makes me feel.

I can’t imagine it. I won’t. Christina betrothed to another? Her perfect curves hidden beneath a white dress?

No. Fuck that. We took her virginity and we’ve claimed her as ours. No one else will touch her.

I don’t want to imagine her walking down the aisle to some asshole who only sees her as property to undress, fuck, and knock up.

We drive to the warehouse in silence. My mind is busy evaluating all the different scenarios in which I can get this all to work out in our favor.

With Enzo and I as a united force, I’m sure that we can figure this out.

Senator Cosa is growing too powerful, and I can’t ignore the gnawing part of my brain that asks, why? The families that make up La Costa Nostra have been at peace for nearly fifty years.

But with every generation, people become power hungry. And the lesser families make moves. It’s not unheard of, just unexpected. But peace was never meant to last forever.

Cosa has made things difficult, however. Draping himself in the safety of the public eye, it’s harder to get at him. His law firm, which once represented the criminal world he claims to resent, was used to propel himself into the spotlight and into a seat in Congress.

No one can disagree that it’s been bad for our business.

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