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“I said,” he starts, smiling through the blood dripping down his face. He spits to the side. “I can’t wait to find out if your new little stepsister’s pussy is as tight as that dress was—”

His words die off as my fist connects with his jaw once more.

This time, the contact sends the crowd around us into action. I’m vaguely aware that Enzo has run over to help hold back two of Jimmy’s friends as I pummel the bastard. He dodges my punches and I growl in fury.

If this bastard wants to play, let’s fucking go.

“Say her name again and I’ll fucking kill you.” I growl. My vision blurs around the edges.

The only thing I want is to see Jimmy, curled in the fetal position, begging for his life like the worthless piece of shit he is.

Fucking. Coward.

It’s a scramble of fists and shouting around us. Whatever loyalty Jimmy has, it’s not enough that Enzo can’t take them all at once.

Fucking pathetic. What kind of man inspires such little respect that his own friends leave him to die?

I consider dropping next to him to choke the life from his eyes when University Security comes huffing over, brandishing a walkie-talkie and a taser.

“Separate!” Someone shouts.

“Separate, now!” Another voice demands.

The yelling seems to surround us. I kick Jimmy one last time before the rent-a-cops ruin my fun.

“Mr. Venitti! That is quite enough!”

I wipe the sweat from my brow and spit on Jimmy’s body. For now. It’s enough, for now.

“Off campus property, immediately.” The security guard orders.

I roll my eyes, not bothering to look back as I nod my head and walk in that general direction.

I hear Enzo’s heavy footsteps right behind me.

“You alright?” Enzo asks, falling into step beside me.

“Yeah.” I rub my knuckles. “Just a little blood on my hands.” I smile, making a show of wiping off Jimmy’s blood. I wish it were more. He fell too quickly to the ground for me to be pleased. I hate it when they don’t put up much of a fight.

Enzo rolls his eyes. “Was it worth it?”

“He was telling his friends about how he planned to fuck Christina.”

Enzo’s eyes flash molten brown and he nods, decisively, clapping me on the shoulder.

“Fucker needs to die. Worth it.” He grunts, approvingly.

Grinning, Enzo and I make our way to the car. The university will bluster and complain but they won’t do a damn thing. Not to me, at least.

I’m a Venitti and we do whatever we want in this town.



I pinch myself – wincing at the sting. This isn’t a dream. It may be a cruel joke, but it’s real.

Online courses? What the hell?!

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