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“Calm the fuck down,” I growl. We can’t afford to draw attention and show our hand. Not yet. Not without a better plan.

He doesn’t listen, struggling against me, determined to break free.

“You’re making a scene,” I growl, tightening my hold and pressing down on his neck.

“Remember where the fuck you are, man. And who’s watching.” For a second, I wonder if he’ll tap out. The thought of having to drag his body into the car until he regains consciousness doesn’t sound appealing. Luckily, he taps.

I let him go, breathing hard myself.

He huffs, smoothing out his shirt and glaring at me before turning that hate back onto Jimmy.

“Pull it together, brother. You want to beat on Jimmy? Fine. But not here, not now, and not with this many fucking witnesses.” I say.

His gaze snaps back to me. “You’re supposed to be my muscle, Enzo. Mine. Not his. Watch my back while I fucking beat the life out of Jimmy Cosa.”

I shake my head. “I’m your reason, Nico. I protect you.” I crack my knuckles. “And sometimes that means protecting you from yourself.”

His dark eyes tell me all I need to know. Jimmy Cosa will walk out of here today. His father is a State Senator we keep under control, it’s best to not upset the balance of something so important. But terms have limits. And so does Nico’s already limited patience.

“Fine. But if he touches Christina again, all bets are off.”

I smack his shoulder. “And that’s why we need to come up with a plan.”

“Whatever Albert is up to, it’s not good. I mean it. We need a plan, and we need it fast.

Judging by the way Senator Cosa was grinning; my guess is they’re already in talks.”

Christina comes walking over in a rush, her brows furrowed.

“Looks like Albert was busy showing you off. Are you hungry?” I ask, moving to put myself between her and Nico. The asshole might’ve calmed down, but I can’t be certain he won’t put her into his car and kidnap her.

“Something like that,” she grumbles, stepping around me and slipping into the backseat.

“What the fuck was that all about anyway?” She asks us, looking uncomfortable. A nervous hand moves up and down her arm. “Why did Albert want me to meet all his friends?”

Nico takes that as his sign. He gets into the driver’s seat, and I hurry to open my door before he can drive away.

Nico presses the ignition and speeds out of the parking lot before either of us is ready.

I hear Christina squeal in surprise, sliding across the leather seats when Nico makes a turn.

“Jesus Christ, let me get my seatbelt on,” she yells. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Slow down!” Her voice is sharp and angry.

“You’re what’s wrong with me,” Nico says so low, I wonder if she can hear it.

I watch him carefully. He’s unhinged right now and it’s worrisome. On some level, I get it. I do.

Christina is intoxicating and her appearance in our life has upended everything.

But he can’t take that out on her. I refuse to let that happen.

“What was that?” She asks again. The biting tone in her voice makes me think that maybe she did hear him after all.

“You’re going to lunch,” I interrupt. “We’re taking you to lunch. It’s a family tradition. Every Sunday after church.”

Nico snorts, slowing to stop at a red light. We jerk a little in our seats at the sudden stop.

“You guys don’t strike me as very traditional.” She states carefully.

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