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Giovanni’s face draws pinched. “The Cossis desired more power,” he starts slowly. “And Senator Cosa has always been in their pocket. He always had big dreams for Jimmy.”

Albert grunts and Giovanni looks at him nervously.

“When you married Meredith and brought the girl into the mix, it was the perfect opportunity for them to make a move. If the Cossis could destroy our empire, they could take our territory and take out the heirs - leaving Christina alone. Christina would then marry Jimmy, as per the alliance with the senator and Lorenzo. Jimmy would then be taken care of and have power that his family has always craved by ruling part of the Venitti empire alongside the Cossis. This would allow the senator to finally divorce his wife.”

I don’t understand but the way Albert’s eyes gleam, I think I’m missing something.

“Why would he divorce his wife?”

“Love.” Giovanni’s eyes shine. “So, he could be with the person he loves.”

I run a hand through my hair. Fuck.

“Cosa,” Albert says, seeming to understand something that I don’t.

Giovanni nods.

“How long?”

“Years.” He shrugs, straightening himself slightly, so that his back rests against the wall. “Too many years. Sometimes it feels like an eternity.”

Jimmy Senior and Giovanni.

“It wasn’t personal. It was for love,” Albert repeats.

Giovanni nods again. Albert sighs and reaches for his pistol.

“I understand,” he says as he removes the safety.

“That’s all I can ask for,” Giovanni says, already accepting his fate.

Betrayal is betrayal, even if it is for love. The trick is, if you’re going to do it, you have to come out on top.

Albert, to his credit, doesn’t look away when he pulls the trigger.

Betrayal gets no second chances in the Mafia.



My head is throbbing relentlessly. Actually, scratch that, my entire body is aching. I writhe in agony, my wrists and ankles stinging as I fight against the restraints.

A part of me hopes that this is all just a very vivid, very twisted nightmare. Maybe…I’m actually asleep and having a night terror. If I can just wake myself up, I’ll find out that I’m not being held hostage, I’m home. Safe and sound in my own bed with my men right next door.

I close my eyes and count to ten, exhaling and then opening my eyes.


I try to calm my breathing again. This is happening, but maybe it’s just some kind of misunderstanding? Those happen, right? Mafia families are just like everyone else – they could get intel wrong and the wrong person gets taken.

It’s a stretch but I’ll believe anything that makes this not real.

If it is real then I’ll need to panic. Because I’m trapped. I’ve been drugged, tied up, and thrown into this dark space, at the mercy of those who would do me harm.

Me, and my baby. Oh, God.

My mind fights against the fog of drugs, trying to piece together what has happened and how I ended up here. But each time I almost grasp onto the truth, it slips away again.

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