Page 38 of Across State Lines

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Now it has decided that it wants to work, and it strains against my jeans. Aurora turns to say something to me, but her lips clamp shut as her eyes widen. She stares at my erection.

I glare at her neck and allow myself to think the thoughts racing through my mind. Despite my erection, none of these thoughts are sexual. I imagine wrapping my hands around that slender stretch of flesh and squeezing. My fingertips can already feel the way the bones in her throat will collapse beneath the pressure. I can almost see the light leaving her eyes. I can smell the pungent tang of fear as she fights for a breath that won’t come.

And still her eyes remain glued to my erection.

“Goddamn it, dropout!” I scream as I rush toward her. My hand winds through her hair, and I use it like a suitcase handle as I drag her across the cab. The truck door creaks open, and I look outside to see if anyone is around. One other truck stands in the lot, but I see no sign of the driver. They’re probably still sleeping.

I put my hand around her mouth and pull her into me as I drag her down the steps and toward the back of my trailer. She doesn’t fight my hold on her, which both agitates and pleases me. I don’t want her to draw any attention, and fighting me would do that, but does she always have to be so unaffected?

My hand closes around the metal handle outside the trailer door, and I whip it open. Cool air rushes toward us. Once we’re safely inside, I release her mouth. She turns to me, confusion muddling her eyes.

“Kane, what did I do?”

“You got in my fucking truck.”

“Please don’t do this,” she pleads, and it’s the first time genuine fear has shown on her face.

Maybe it’s because she knows what will happen if I leave her ass in here. Wearing nothing more than that t-shirt and the thin leggings, she’ll freeze to death. But this isn’t about that. I have no plans to kill her, especially not now that I know she’s destined for greater things. Leaving her back here is a mind game. She’ll be so fucking afraid of me that it will alter her brain chemistry. She won’t be able to handle being around me after this.

And that’s exactly what both of us need.

I flip on the overhead light, exit the truck, and close the door. After securing the latch on the outside, I shake my head. My reaction to seeing her bare legs and ass has left me confused. She has too much power over me, and I can’t have that. I have to be in control at all times because I can’t trust the other two nitwits. They lose all control whenever she bats her eyelashes at them.

The temptress may have gotten to Tobin and Jax, but I won’t allow her to get to me.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Freezing air encompasses my body in an icy hug. The leggings give me a little more protection than the thin t-shirt, but not by much. The weird thing about being trapped in the cold is that it almost feels warm sometimes. Maybe it’s the incessant shivering. It’s violent enough that my muscles begin to ache after only a few minutes.

I try the door. There’s a handle on the inside, but he must have a locking mechanism on the outside, because it doesn’t budge. I’m not sure why I thought any different. Considering the random stash of women’s clothing and Kane’s violent tendencies, I’m probably not the first woman he’s stuffed back here.

My feet nearly come out from under me when the truck begins to move. Now I’m faced with the reality of my situation. Kane plans to leave me in here until I’m dead, and I don’t even know what I did wrong. That’s more frustrating than being locked in a freezer on wheels.

I think back to our interaction. He seemed fine until I turned around and noticed he was hard. I thought Tobin had taken over, but then he got really upset and stuffed me back here. And he called me dropout, which means he was definitely still Kane. So how did he have an erection?

The truck turns, sending me to my ass. It also jostles something near the back of the unit. I turn to get a better look at the mound in the back corner. A faded blue blanket drapes over something lumpy and long. Even though I can’t make out what lies beneath the blanket, I know exactly what’s peeking from beneath it.

Long, dark hair.

My body leaps backward at the realization, and I slide down the icy side wall as I try to wrap my head around what I’ve seen. Surely it’s just my wild imagination. I’m freezing to death and going insane, but I’m definitely not locked in a small space with a deceased person.

Curiosity gets the best of me, and I crawl toward the mound. I verify my fear as I pull back a crisp blanket and find a dead fucking body.

And she’s very dead. Though the cold temperatures have mostly preserved her, a foggy glaze covers her unseeing eyes and her skin has begun to change color. A purplish bruise circles her neck, and I don’t need more than one guess to figure out who put it there. I brush the hair away from her face. Wrinkles crease her skin, and smears of dark makeup smudge her cheeks.

I’m alone and there’s no one to hide my emotions from this time, so I allow the anger and fear to battle inside me. I’m doing everything I can to stay alive, but will Kane let me live after his nice little trip to Texas? Probably not. I’m doomed to meet the same fate as the poor woman in front of me.

Part of me almost accepts this, but the other part thinks I can win him over. Kane is way more guarded than Jax or Tobin, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes to weasel my way into his mind. Judging by what happened earlier, I’m well on my way to success. I got him hard, though he clearly hated it. But it’s a reaction.

Unfortunately, it landed me in this freezer, where I’ll probably die from exposure.

Like a terrible human being, I take the blanket off the woman’s body and wrap it around myself. It’s not like she needs it anymore, but I still feel guilty for taking her shroud. It provides little warmth, but it’s better than leaving my arms exposed.

I back into the wall and draw my legs to my chest, curling into a ball. Moments of warmth come over my body, which scare me more than the freezing temperatures. Isn’t that what happens when you’re in the throes of hypothermia? You feel warm?

Am I going to die here?

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