Page 21 of Across State Lines

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These fucking idiots. This is why sex isn’t even a thought in my mind. It makes you fucking stupid. With my pants still undone, I run after her. She isn’t hard to find. Instead of racing for the woods, I catch a glimpse of her shirt as she bolts toward the bathrooms.

Too slow, dropout.

She’s caught off guard as I catch up to her and yank her back by the hair. A scream tears from her chest as her leg lashes toward me, but I have a solution for that. I grab her legs and take out her feet. Her head collides with the grass, and the screaming stops.

Knocking her out wasn’t the goal—The Nameless don’t like girls with bruises—but she left me no fucking choice. The rest area is empty now, but someone could drive up at any moment. If someone hears her screaming and sees me chasing her and hauling her back to my truck, it’s a guaranteed one-way trip to the nearest jail cell. Even if Tobin doesn’t give a shit, Jax sure as fuck does. I can’t believe he let her go.

I kneel beside her still form and get my arms under her. Getting her to the truck before someone drives by is my first priority. I can check the goods for damage once we’re safely inside.

I climb the metal steps and enter the truck with her limp body in my arms. Once we’re tucked away from prying eyes, I drop the caring-guy act and drag her toward the bed by her hair. I pull a scuffed set of handcuffs from the cabinet above the bed, then attach one cuff to her arm and the other to the metal hinge connected to my bed.

She isn’t going anywhere now.

I grip her face and turn it toward me. A large red welt puffs her cheek outward, but it doesn’t look like it will bruise. Or if it does, it won’t be too bad. This almost pisses me off more than if she’d been seriously injured. My hands itch with the need to wrap my fingers around her pale neck. She’s a pain in my ass, and I’ll be glad when I get rid of her.

I’m about to walk away when I notice the mess between her legs. Her skirt has ridden up, exposing her filthy pussy. I grab a few paper towels and begin cleaning her up. With each not-so-tender swipe, my lip curls further.

I have no clue what those boneheads find so appealing about her pussy. I couldn’t be more turned off by the used-up slit between her legs. Something inside me heats to a boil when I stare at those puffy folds of skin. A memory thrashes within a locked box inside my head, fighting to break free, and I can’t have that. I need to do something, and fast.

I grab a lighter from my pocket, spread her lips, and flick the metal until a flame springs forth. I bring the heat toward the swollen bundle of nerves that brings her so much dirty pleasure. I should burn that sinful clit off. Maybe Jax and Tobin won’t be so interested in her if I damage her a little.

As I stare down at her pussy, memories seep from the locked box like invisible gas.

Big, feminine hands reach for my lap. I’m crying. She pulls me onto her naked thighs...

Anger roars like a lion inside me. I don’t know who that was, but I know it’s a woman. She’s the reason I hate women now, and I don’t need to know from what well that hatred springs. I know that it’s poisoned, filthy and black, and I drink from it daily. The source isn’t important as long as the water keeps flowing.

I drop the lighter and clench my eyes shut. I don’t want to remember. I don’t want to know what happened to me. Tobin spoon-feeds little glimpses from time to time, but I don’t want that right now.

I lower the girl’s skirt and scoot away from her. I need to sell her, so her body isn’t mine to permanently damage. If I wasn’t giving her to The Nameless, I’d cut off her clit and feed it to her for running away. Twice.

But that isn’t a solution.

Maybe I should cut off my own dick to stop Tobin and Jax from using it and becoming complete dumb asses.

I bring the lighter up to my limp cock and flick the metal again. Heat bursts from the opening, and I revel in the flames licking my sensitive skin. The scent of burned flesh wafts up to me, and I release the lighter. I was so lost in the pleasurable pain that I didn’t realize I nearly gave myself a second-degree burn. The thought of how the pain would zip straight to my brain if I’d done more damage tempts me to continue, but I don’t. I stuff the lighter into my pocket and turn my attention back to the problem at hand.

The girl.

Killing or maiming her would make her less desirable to Jax and Tobin, but it would do me no good. Aside from the fleeting thrill of a kill, I’d get nothing out of it. I have to find a way to remind the others that she doesn’t belong to us. She isn’t ours to catch and release at will. She’s a commodity.

I go to the front of my truck and pull the burner phone from the concealed compartment beneath my seat. After tapping in the number—it’s too risky to save it as a contact—I hit the call button. One of The Nameless answers on the second ring.


“I’m hauling a load your way,” I say. “Should I come to the usual spot, or?—”

“No. Contact me when you reach Houston. I’ll give you an address. Where are you coming from?”

I glance at the brick building, then back at the interstate. Headlights push through the trees as someone pulls into the parking lot. “I’m in Ohio right now. Shouldn’t take too long to get there.”

“Give me the details so I can line up a buyer. We aren’t in a position to hold the product for very long right now. Better to move them quickly.”

I smirk. I know what sort of men will be buying this product, and it’s exactly what she deserves. I give him the code for a pretty redhead, no apparent drug habits, clean and clear.

“I’m not taking it if the packaging is damaged,” he says. “I cut you a break last time. Never again.”

My eyes close, and I nod as I end the call. It’s a warning I must heed, and now that The Nameless have been promised something, it’s a warning Jax and Tobin are forced to heed as well.

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