Page 26 of Ruled

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The sheets were gone. Had she kicked them off?

From the slight tilt of her mattress and some small movements, someone else was in her bed. Panic arrived. She bit her lip.

She was lying partly on her stomach, her nightdress was being slowly pulled upward, and her butt was exposed. Then, her nightdress ceased to move.

It was him, Drake. His scent told her so.

And how disturbing it was to know she could ID him by his smell.

“Hey. Stop that.”

“You think so? I disagree.”

She removed her hand from between her legs and went to roll onto her back, meaning to slide from the bed, only to have him plant his palm in the middle of her lower back, fastening her down.

“Not so fast, Princess. I am still admiring this ass and how it peeks from beneath your lacy night gear. Do all human females wear such cute things to bed?”

Shocked, she tried to gather her thoughts and only spluttered, “What?”

Not her best reply.

“What are you doing here?” Again she tried to shift but he easily held her in place. “My guards were not supposed to let you in!”

“They did, when I explained matters. They understood the shift of power very well. The general is defeated, his forces also. I have control over the city and so your kingdom is yours again.” He swatted her ass, making her bounce in the bed, then he wriggled her panties down to the crease of her thighs.

Just the feel of him, of him pushing his hand between her legs, his full hand, made her want to spread herself open. A second later she found she’d done so.

“This is mine,” he said quietly. “You need to understand that. Even if your guards think I am merely in here talking about battles.” He lifted her lower body until her butt poked higher, and smacked her again, firmly, on both cheeks, several times.

Moaning at that was bad, and yet she could not stop herself. Was this the punishment he’d promised? Squeaking at a few of the harder smacks, Calli buried her head under her pillow, as if that would stop him hearing.

Drake continued explaining and simultaneously smoothing his palm over her aching bottom. Concentrating on facts was difficult while that occurred. Now and then he delivered another swat.

“Please, stop doing that. I need to listen and to ask you things, such as casualties and so on. Please?”

Though muffled by the pillow, she knew he could hear her. With her face turned sideways, she looked out, hoping, waiting.

“I should stop? Stop doing what exactly?”

He teased her?

This was not how one ruled a kingdom. How nice it felt when he glided those thick male fingers up and down her pussy. Unfair. She sighed. When he ceased the slipping and sliding to smack her butt, the blows rocked into her flesh.

The slippery fingers did worse things to her mind. If he would only put them into her just a little.

She closed her eyes, wishing for what was surely wrong.

Which was when he chose to answer. “I will tell you some now, and more later. There were few hurt except for the general’s men. We were careful.”

“Oh.” She gulped. “That’s good.”

“Yes. I thought you were liking it.”

She scowled. He’d deliberately messed with her meaning.

Drake drew his body up the bed and plucked away the pillow, tossed it behind him. Then he pulled her to him, flipped her over, and kissed her fully on the mouth. Hot, wet kisses. Gentle kisses, and his hands roved over her back and ass, and into her hair, as if he was memorizing her curves. Over her breasts and elsewhere those hands traveled, until one was shoved down the front of her panties.

The warmth of his palm nestling over her clit, pressing on her, rhythmically...

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