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“Princess.” From either side, they bowed to her. “May we be of assistance?”

“Did no one think to inform me of what happened in the city?”

“Ummm.” The left-hand guard at least had the grace to look embarrassed. “We were told only to guard you, and not to annoy you with any news.”

Glaring at them would not change anything. “If a messenger comes from a mauleon called Drake, get them to wait and you must alert me, no matter the time. If you do not obey this, it will portend poorly for your future.”

At that she cocked an eyebrow, then slowly backed into her rooms while closing the door.

“Understood, Princess!” The muffled words reached her.

A messenger, she’d said. She could only hope it would not be Drake himself.

It was obvious he thought them a perfect match, since he’d made her look up mauleon biology. This could be a true pain in the rear, if she had to speak to him personally, again. If? More like when.

Which made her remember exactly what he’d done to her rear.

Muttering curses, she headed to her bedroom. Once there she flipped back the cover and fell into bed. Thoughts and visions swam through her exhausted mind.

The big, bad Drake sprawled naked in his chair, and those claws of his, sinking into her belly and marking her with red scratches.

She couldn’t be racist, because she found him hot.

It was the way he spanked her, yes? A princess should not be spanked.

How was she ever going to find out if her friends in the city, like Shree and Bron were well, or even alive?

She mumbled into her pillow. “Next time I see Drake I’ll spank him.”


She was asleep soon after.

Chapter Ten

Waking from a pleasant dream, she found her hand had slipped between her thighs and she was squeezing onto it. The dream had been about sex though the details were lost. Still groggy, she thought to open her eyes, only to realize...

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