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She’d long ago guessed that her father had done terrible things but had never heard it said aloud.

“Dress,” he reminded her. “Remove it.”

She hit a barrier. To undress for him was worse than having his hands at her neck while he... ravaged her. It didn’t matter that she had promised to be his. Stripping before Drake was against moral standards drummed into her since forever.

“I can’t.” She wrapped her arms over her breasts, as if to hide them, to keep the dress in place.

“Disobedience, already?” The almost hopeful tone of his voice made her twist to step away.

He snagged her dress at waist level and reeled her in. Then he stood and whisked the dress over her head, despite her shriek, and tossed it aside.

Now, she was mostly naked.

“Ahhh. This, I like. Will you wriggle for me when I spank you?”

“You will not!” she insisted, teeth set together.

“Shhh. Do not move or I might accidentally cut you.” He roughly cupped her breasts, squeezing them then split the middle of her bra and slid his claws lower, past her navel, dragging them over her skin. They tickled but could do much worse.

Red marks appeared on her belly.

“Hey.” Fascinated, Calli sucked in her stomach and watched those sickle-shaped claws of his. She’d promised herself to a living weapon, and she was melting.

One swift slice—she shuddered excitedly, thinking of the consequences.

Drake molded his body to hers. The length of his cock pressed at her belly and his hand was squashed against her below. Five more claws sank into her ass.

“These are expensive,” he said, flicking at her panties. “But if I’m going to eat you, I need them off.”

“Fuck,” she whispered. “Don’t say that.”

“You swear? You don’t want to be eaten?” His exhalation heated her neck and ear as his claws sliced away her underwear, her completely sodden underwear. “I think I like undressing you with some violence. It makes you quiet. And look, this has popped up.”

One claw rested on her clit, stirred that nub, and all her thoughts disintegrated.

“Um.” Calli wanted to clutch him but dared not. “Please,” she said in a hushed voice, though unsure what she’d meant by that please. She should be protesting.

“Please?” An evil glint appeared in his eyes, the golden irises shining. The smooth side of his claw played with her, casually stroking—as if he thought he knew everything about her and how to seduce her.

Maybe he did.

“You like this.” Drake examined where his clawed hand was below, then her warming, blushing face.

She tried to be still but had to squirm at what he did, had to gasp. When he pressed on her clit again, a sigh escaped that became the quietest moan.

“I see you do,” he drawled. “You know I won’t cut you. Your father trusted me for a reason.” He lifted her chin. “And yet you like this. The threat.”

Mortified, she mumbled, “Mmm.”

“For some the fear response is pleasurable. Chemicals are released. Is this why you wandered the city? To get high on the thrill? Yes, I know. My men followed you every time, on the king’s orders.”

Speechless, she could only shake her head. What else did he know? Was her life tattooed on her skin? Naked, she was naked, and he was making her question her reasons for everything, even her morality. She gave in to him at every turn.

“I don’t know you! And yet I am doing... doing... this! You’re not even my species!”

“You think I’m a monster? Mauleons are almost identical genetically to humans. Somehow, we share a common ancestor.”

She didn’t think him a monster, and maybe that was the problem.

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