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He smelled of war. Of dirt and blood and guns. His face was streaked with black though the hand on her stomach was clean. That hand grounded her. Male, big, heavy. Before this day, no one would’ve dared touch her like this.

“What is happening outside?” Casualties weighed on her mind and whether they could win.

“It goes well. That’s all you need to know. I don’t want to talk more about it, yet. We win, they are losing. So, Princess, I had to return to rest, regroup, and let my men resupply. I also find a woman on my floor.”

He didn’t want to talk more. Very well. How could she press him when he looked as if he’d come from the middle of a firestorm? She’d wait.

“I would have preferred a softer bed.”

He chuckled. “I wanted you where I could find you. I am your first mauleon and you are my first human. We are even. I’m going to show you what mauleon cock feels like inside your tight little pussy.”

Disgusting. She should be screaming but while he spoke, he’d slid his hand beneath the dress and hooked his fingers in the top of her panties. Claws dented her belly. He was danger and sex and mystery rolled into one overpowering creature.

Nevertheless, Calli plucked at his forearm. “My father said to protect me.” The hairs on his arm slid under her fingers. Those claws scraped lower, and she found she was worming her butt about. Minute movements but still. So easily, he made her desire.

“I plan to.” He kissed below her ear, licked her, while caressing her breast with the arm cradling her to him. “After I fuck you.”

“Oh. Umm.” She was mumbling stupid things and so very distracted. Where had her badass attitude gone?

“You will undress for me.”

“I will n—” He’d lifted his hand and squashed it over her mouth. There was her automatic princess attitude, finally.

“Shh. I told you I would no longer ask. You agreed to be mine. Does a Dywin princess go back on her word? Or should I show you what mauleon punishment feels like on your rear end? Maybe I should get you to sign a document agreeing to this with your butt imprint?”

The crudeness of that made her fire up and splutter. His laugh was unexpected, deep, and taunting. But he had freed her mouth.

“You mock me!”

“Of course. Answer me. Do you go back on your word?”

He’d found her personal peeve. She hated lies and people who reneged on agreements. Her brothers had been good at fobbing off her questions with answers she later found to be untrue.

She squeezed her lips together, then, “No.”

“Good answer. Stand up and remember that you are mine now.”

Mine. Was that his favorite word?

Reluctantly, she wriggled and slid from his lap then stood before him. The dress frothed at mid-thigh, brushing her.

“Oh, my beauty,” he murmured. “Do you know how long it’s been since I wished for this? For you here, in my hands.” He ran his palm lightly down her side, resting it at her hip, a warm and heavy reminder of her situation. How easily he magicked up that liquid warmth between her legs.

“No.” She struggled to conceal her arousal.

“Since I first saw you in your father’s study.”

Calli blinked. Since then? Seven years ago. His grip firmed on her hip, his long fingers curving partly over her rear. Never before had she felt as if she were a possession. It... bothered her yet in some peculiar way freed her.

“I’d heard things, even then. You have a dark past.”

“I do.” He rocked her with that hand. “Mostly because of what I did for your father.” Crinkles spread around his eyes as he smiled. “Being the king is not easy, neither is being a princess.”

“Surely you lie?”

“No, I did not. I will never lie to you.”

Never? That seemed a gift.

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