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“Okay.” Pieter stepped in and spoke an inch from this guy’s ear so I could barely hear. “We’re going to trust you. If you...”

Running footsteps had him raising his head. My heart lurched. The boots clattered to a halt at our door.

If the door had turned into a snake, it wouldn’t have drawn us all to stare at it so. I bit my finger harder, tears starting. This can’t be right. Rewind.

“Hey! We know you’ve got Ben in there. We know he’s trying to help you.”

No. Fuck no.

Ben. That was his name. His dark skin shone with sweat. His eyes looked ready to pop. While Pieter...he ran a hand over his head, like he was out on a job and someone had left the correct wrench in the wrong place. A little red and black tattoo of an octopus-like Cthulhu, that I’d never noticed before, rippled on the back of his shoulder.

“Hello in there.”

That new voice was like a spear to my heart.


“We also know, my little performers, that he has weapons. Do not think we will let you use them without punishing you. If anyone shoots or tries to hurt my men, I promise you that everyone in there, Jazmine first, then Pieter, then Benoni, will be skinned slowly.”

Cold prickled down my back. Gregor would do this.

“Fuck.” The boy guard jiggled from foot to foot and played with the butt of his gun.

After a single hissed remark from Pieter, he released the butt.

“If you do not hand the weapons out through the hatch, when I say to, and then open this door, I will skin you all.”

Pieter muttered and shot a ragged glance at me.

My finger was squashed so deep by my teeth, the dent bled at one corner.

“If, this is my last if, Pieter. This is just for you.”

Why only Pieter? A ringing sound sang in my mind.

“If you don’t want to be skinned, Mister Pieter, or your precious lady to be skinned while you watch, and trust me, I would enjoy this greatly...”

I shuddered.

“You must do this now. Kill Benoni.”

I think my heart beat three times. We were a frozen room of human sculptures.

Pieter punched the boy guard in the throat, stepped in when the boy retched, ripped his knife from the sheath, and plunged it into his stomach in an upward direction. I saw the twist he put to the knife stab, heard the wet thud as the knife entered the body and the sigh from the boy.

I don’t think he even managed to raise his hands. The knife must have punctured his heart.

If this was death, it was terrifying in its starkness. I blinked, and when I opened my eyes, Benoni was on the floor. He gasped twice, his body trembling. Blood leaked onto his pale blue shirt, staining it an almost innocent dark blue, before pooling on the floor where it miraculously turned red.

While I sat with my mouth open, gripping the bed to either side, as if that would stop me flying away, Pieter removed the gun from the belt holster. He went to the hatch, tapped to get them to open it, and pushed the knife and gun through.

The boy had stopped moving, not even his chest rose.

A thought wandered into my shattered mind. They had the room bugged for sound.

Jesus. What and who was this man I’d let kiss me?

Chapter 15

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