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“I’m afraid.” Say it. “Why are they letting you have sex with me without condoms or anything?”

“I thought you must have told them you were on one of those long-acting drugs. You’re not are you?”

“No,” I whispered, ever more afraid. “No. Besides, there’s STDs. This, to me, means they don’t care. And to not care about your slave getting pregnant means you don’t intend to sell her.”

“The pregnancy thing...”

“They mean to kill me, don’t they?”

“Shh. Don’t go there. Besides, I’ve been tested for diseases and Gregor will know that.”

That was good, I guessed. “But I can still get pregnant. Do you know how we can escape?” I lifted my head and looked into his troubled eyes.

“I said shh.” He put his finger to my lips then he rocked back onto the bed, taking me with him. After holding me tight, he put his mouth to my ear. “I’m sure they at least have audio bugs in here.”

My heart leapt into a terrified rhythm. Why hadn’t he said? We’d done so many things. “What if they have video?” I whispered back.

His shrug said maybe he didn’t know.


Did it matter? Apart from not letting them hear of our non-existent escape plans, we’d done nothing dirtier than what they’d seen before. Despair crept in. What was there about me that my captors hadn’t seen? I was an open book to them. A slut to be catalogued, poked, and sneered at while wanking.

“Stop crying.” He kissed my neck. “You know I’m not ever giving up. You need to enjoy what we have.”

I trembled some more but his big friendly hug, the scent of him, and the heavy movement of his body next to mine slowly calmed me. My eyelids drifted down.

When the guard stepped in through the door, it startled me. Pieter stood and dumped me off his lap to stand between me and the guard. I grabbed my dress and tugged it on.

The man was young, with dark wavy hair and he looked like he’d be a local. A raskol, as Pieter said the gang members here were called. His eyes were wild but he shut the door behind him in a measured way. On a belt at his waist were a revolver and a knife. Neither was drawn.

God. I stared at his weapons, eager to act, to get out of here if this was our chance. Shit-scared but ready. Pieter, my big strong ex-cop and merc, could surely have those off him in seconds, if he decided to do it. But was this some sort of trap?

Pieter waited, hands at his sides, but balanced on his feet, ready to pounce.

The man held out his palms, waving them at us, as if that could stop Pieter. “Don’t attack. I’m friend. I will help you. Yes?” He raised his brows, nodding. With his fresh face, I wondered if he was over eighteen. “I have key. This is end of my shift. You come out after five minutes. Okay?”

“Shh. You must be quiet.” Pieter put his finger across his mouth then he pointed at the walls.

The guard stopped talking and looked puzzled. Then alarm hit him and his gaze flitted about the room.

“Why are you doing this?” Suspicion leaked from Pieter’s whispered words. “Say it quiet. Say the truth.”

Though his face had gone red, the man-boy subsided, took a breath and continued. “I tell you.”

If anyone else was listening...

No video. Please not. I glanced around, as if I could suddenly see something that I hadn’t found after all these days.

The guard pulled a few faces, staring at the floor, then at Pieter. “I see polisman hurt bad by Gregor. Women too. I’m no pussy but that is bad. Today I leave this work and not come back. I have a key, in my pocket.”

Ohmigod. This was real. I wanted to leap up and dash through that door. I wanted to hug this boy for his goodness. I wanted to scream with joy. We wouldn’t get another chance like this. Fast. We had to be fast. I jittered on the bed, toes bouncing off the floor.

For a moment, Pieter looked over at me, frowning like he wanted to slap me calm. I scowled. I could handle this. I stuck a finger in my mouth and bit it.

This is happening!

It’d be nightfall soon and if we could reach the jungle around this place, that Pieter had seen over the wall, we might be able to lose ourselves in it.

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