Page 38 of Wolf Moon

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I can’t help following James down to the bar to eavesdrop on his conversation with Dec. I’m careful not to let him see me as I sneak into the stockroom where I just watched them enter. How is it empty?

I hear a loud ‘What?’ and realize that there’s a secret room in here. I quietly pad to the wall and place my ear on it. Dec is not happy about James’ decision. That doesn’t surprise me. What does shock me is the admission that James was less than supportive of his brother’s choices. He’s always seemed like the type to understand and love his family anyway, even if he doesn’t agree with them.

I shake my head, focusing on what I’m hearing through the door.

“I don’t know, James. What you’re asking me to do is…well, it’s a lot.” Dec sounds pretty upset about being asked to turn his brother. I bet he won’t do it. So much for James coming home with us.

“Dec, you have to do this for me. Or I’ll just go ask one of the others. I bet Vik would understand the situation and help me out. Or Eli. Even Delilah,” James begs.

“You wouldn’t,” Dec insists. Oh, but I would put money on that being exactly what he does if his brother doesn’t cooperate. I get distracted imagining Dec’s reaction to James asking someone else to change him.

I barely jump out of the way as the hidden door swings open. “What the fuck are you doing? Did you follow me down here?” James accuses the second he sees me.

“Yeah. I’m sorry, I just wanted to make sure that this was what you wanted.” I turn to Dec. “You know that if you don’t help him, he’ll find someone else who will. Then he’ll be vulnerable because he won’t have someone to turn to for help with the transition.”

“Why do you even care? You and Ryland are against this anyway,” James huffs. I nod, agreeing with him.

“That’s why we’re against it. We care about you. Look, I don’t want you to do this, but if your mind is made up, there’s nothing I can say or do to change it.” I glance at Dec again. “But if I can help to convince your brother to help you, I will.”

Dec looks back and forth between us as if considering my words. “You think this is a bad idea, but you want to convince me to do it anyway?”

“Basically,” I answer. He sighs in exasperation and throws up his hands. I know at that moment that he’ll agree, and James will get what he wants.

“Well?” James asks, staring at his brother.

“Fine, I’ll do it. But we have to prepare first. I won’t do it until I’m sure you’re ready,” Dec says before walking away in a huff.

“He seems thrilled,” I offer, grinning at James.

James rolls his eyes. “Definitely. Thanks for your help. It means a lot.”


I feel helpless when James walks away. Then Luca follows him, and I’m concerned that he’ll try to talk James out of his decision. I don’t know if that would hurt me or make me feel better about everything. Yeah, this was originally my idea, but I hate the thought that I somehow backed James into a corner and made him think this was the only way he could be with me.

All of this happened because I’m worried about him getting hurt. Apparently, I’m not the only one who’s been bothered by it. I should be happy that he came to the same conclusion that I did, but I’m not. I’m terrified. What if he does this and resents me for it later?

What if Dec refuses to help him? There are so many things that could go wrong, and I don’t want to focus on them. I need to do something besides sit here and wait. I hop off the couch and start to pace. Orym and Ry watch me, exchanging sly glances that they think I don’t notice.

“He’ll be fine. Dec will take care of it. He has to, right?” Orym’s complete faith in James’ brother amazes me. We have no reason to believe that Dec will help James with this. Of course, we have no reason to think he won’t. None of us really know Dec that well.

“I hope so. I don’t want James to do this and regret it, though,” I admit. Ry walks over to me and pulls me into his arms.

“That’s why I’m against it. I don’t think it’s what he wants. I think that he believes it’s the only way, and it’s not,” he says. The elevator doors open and we turn to see Dec stomping into the room.

“Did you tell him that he has to be turned to be with you?” The vampire growls the words at me, and my wolf mates growl back at him. I hold up my hands for them to stand down as I step away from Ry. I don’t need him to protect me here.

“I did not. Honestly, I was considering talking to him about it because of how he nearly died from a magic attack. But I didn’t say anything. He came to us with this idea. Ry and Luca tried to talk him out of it. Orym and I told him we’ll support his choice. None of us told him to do it.” My words come out strong, but my heart flutters.

This man could kill me in a moment, and there’s nothing my mates could do to stop him. Sure, there would be repercussions, but I would already be dead, so what does it matter? I can feel the rage rolling off him in waves.

“What the fuck is wrong with him, then? If you aren’t forcing this, why does he think it’s the only way?” Dec’s rage is building, and I wish that Delilah hadn’t left us alone up here. She does have a nightclub to run, though, so I can see why she wouldn’t want to babysit when there are more productive things she could be doing.

“Back off my mate, Dec. This isn’t her fault,” Ry growls again. I press a hand to his chest and shove him back. He barely moves but understands what I’m telling him. I give him a look, causing both of my mates to sit down on the couch.

“Don’t worry about them. I can handle myself here. I didn’t put this idea in his head, even if I had considered suggesting it. You can believe me or not. I don’t think you’ll change his mind. You should know as well as I do; your brother is pretty stubborn. We came here to bring him home with us. All of this is Amber’s fault. I just want my mate back where he belongs.” It feels weak admitting that James hurt me, but there’s no other way to make Dec see what I’m trying to tell him.

He sighs and takes a couple of steps closer before reaching out and dragging me into a hug. Orym and Ry growl, but he glares at them. This isn’t a romantic gesture. He’s simply offering me comfort because our mutual loved one has hurt me.

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