Page 36 of His Jersey Girl

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"Thanks." I gently lifted Alyssa, cradling her against me as I carried her toward the casino entrance. "Let's get you upstairs, okay?"

She nodded, her grip tightening around my neck. "Okay."

As we made our way through the back hallways of the casino it was good that the few people we saw stayed out of my way. I whispered reassurances, vowing to myself that I'd never let anyone hurt her again. Once we were finally safe in our room, I sat her down on the bed and scanned what I could see of her for injury. Her cheek was red and swollen from where the asshole had hit her. Other than that, only her wrist looked bruised. I touched the two spots carefully. The urge to go back and break every bone in Seth’s body was strong.

"Are you hurt anywhere else, princess?" I tried to keep my voice calm, but it was rough with emotion.

"No, Daddy. Just the wrist and cheek. He didn’t have time to do anything more."

I kissed her forehead, and reached into my workout bag which was on the floor next to the bed. Relief washed over me as I pulled out the full first-aid kit I kept fully stocked. Never had I been more happy to have such a thing as when I took the two ice packs out and cracked them to activate the chemicals. Ripping the pillow covers off two of the decorative pillows, I wrapped them around the quickly cooling gel packs.

My heart raced at all the things that could have gone wrong, but I forced myself to be calm as I kicked off my shoes and climbed onto the bed pulling Alyssa into my lap. I gently positioned the ice packs and pulled her up until she was snuggled against my chest. "You're safe now, little girl. And I promise, no one will ever hurt you again."

She looked up at me, her eyes filled with exhaustion and so much emotion it made my heart hurt. "I love you, Daddy."

“I love you too, princess.” We stayed like that for a long while until her eyes drooped and her breathing evened out. Eventually the fear and adrenaline caused by seeing my Little girl in danger began to fade, replaced by a deep sense of relief and love.

Alyssa slept for several hours. I hated getting up from the bed, but I’d had to answer police questions and call my lawyers. Luckily for the health of everyone involved, they’d agreed that with the security footage and my statement, they could let Alyssa sleep and she wouldn’t need to make her statement until the next day.

The casino was in full PR defense mode since it was only a matter of time before Seth’s actions and his prostitution ring became public knowledge. To keep us quiet while they planned, Rocco had gotten them to give us a copy of all the recordings from earlier. I’d watched every second of each one three times until I was sure I’d memorized everything the bastard had done to her.

When she finally emerged from the bedroom, Alyssa was an adorable rumpled mess hugging Bruiser to her chest. Much to my relief there was no sign of bruising on her cheek as I pulled her into my lap.

“How is my beautiful girl feeling?”

“Much better.” She sighed and snuggled into me. “Did the police arrest Seth?”

“They did. My lawyers are working with the prosecutors to make sure he doesn’t get out on bail.”

“Am I going to have to talk to them?” I hated how small her voice was. I wished there was a way I could keep her from having to do anything but unfortunately my influence only went so far.

“You will, but that is a tomorrow problem. Tonight all you need to do is relax and let me pamper you.”

“That sounds good.”

The way her fingers were brushing against my chest had my cock starting to take notice. I cleared my throat and pushed past the feeling to give her an update. “They were able to get security footage of the whole thing so everything you say will just be to back up the pile of evidence they already have. Between that and what Rocco and Angel were able to get on short notice, that man won’t be seeing freedom for a very long time.”


“Yeah, that man is frightening. Apparently, he heard about what happened and less than an hour later an anonymous delivery was made to the police station with bank records and recordings of Seth’s illegal work in the massage parlor.” I ran my hands up and down her back, the motion soothing me as much as her.

“I kinda wish he had done that earlier.”

I didn’t know if she realized it, but her fingers were slowly circling my nipple, making the growing problem in my pants worse. I wanted nothing more than to carry her to the bedroom and make love to her, but I had to respect the boundaries she’d set.

“I think he feels the same way. Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course, Daddy.”

“Why were you in the personnel office? They weren’t giving you a hard time about being assigned to me, were they?” It had been the only thing that I could come up with that would explain her presence there. I’d gone through the tapes several times. Seth had been waiting for her since before she’d sat down for lunch. He’d somehow gotten access to the video feeds on his phone and had been stalking her movements until she was in a position for him to grab.

If she hadn’t gone there before heading back to our room, he might have escaped with her before Rocco and I returned. I was more grateful than I could say for the delay that had her coming out just as we were coming in but if they were harassing her, I would take care of it first thing in the morning.

Alyssa sat up with a start and gasped. “I never got to tell you my news.”

Her excitement helped me relax. It couldn’t be something bad if she was this happy about it. “What news?”

“I quit!”

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