Page 30 of His Jersey Girl

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Seriously? That was what he wanted to talk about? “You know…” My blush felt like it was burning through my skin, “Sex stuff. I have to keep things professional.”

His thoughts must have been going much faster than mine because I could almost see him trying to find a way around the limits I’d just laid down. After a minute his eyes sparkled as if he’d come up with something.

“So what you're saying is you’ll stay by my side for the next month to be my personal physical therapist. Even if I go out to places like say the Aquarium, the Boardwalk or the Cape May Zoo?”

The Aquarium? I’d never been, but I’d seen pictures and it had been so long since I’d been to the Zoo. The sneaky man was trying to tempt me as if I couldn’t tell he was trying to entice my Little side. I’d like to say it wasn’t working but, it was.

“You might hurt your neck looking up at the giraffes or slip on some water and pull a muscle. I think having someone there to help is a smart idea.”

“But I can't taste my little girl’s sweet honey? Can’t learn what it’s like to be buried deep in her while she begs for more?”

“No.” I knew I sounded disappointed, but I had to stay strong.

“Can I make sure my employee is eating right and tuck her in at night with a story? Can we play games and get to know each other better?”

“I guess.” The tucking-in probably pushed the line but I couldn’t bring myself to say no to it. Would he really be willing to do all the things he just said if sex was off the table? A large part of me still believed he was only looking for a convenient hook-up while he was here for training. The chemistry between us was so intense, could he really resist pushing the line? Could I? Was he really implying that he was going to keep being my Daddy but take sex off the table?

His smile was almost predatory and sent shivers down my spine. “Deal.”

Wait, what? What the hell had I just agreed to?




I slipped my left arm under Joey’s right before stepping forward and lifting him off the ground. The motion tipped him and with a push, I slammed both of us to the floor. His elbow came down on my shoulder as we grappled. Adrenaline raced through me, but it took only a couple of seconds before I was able to get him in an armbar. He tapped the floor twice and I rolled away, coming up on my feet.

Sparring sessions were nothing like a real match but they were necessary to drill and keep my reflexes honed. Moving in for another pass, I started toward him but the sight of the woman with gorgeous green eyes standing at the edge of the practice area brought me up short. I raised a hand to let Joey know we were pausing, not dropping my guard until he nodded in acknowledgment. Rocco had found me several good guys from local MMA gyms to work with, but Joey was by far my favorite. Fast for his size and smart, the man had an impressive mix of skills that tested my own abilities with each session.

The last few weeks had been a fascinating mixture of heaven and hell. Keeping my promise to keep my hands off Alyssa hadn’t been easy with the connection between us growing every day. I’d been falling more in love with both the woman and the Little girl as each moment passed. This was the first time she’d interrupted my sparring and there was no way I would make her wait.

She stood on the other side of the white tape we’d put on the mats—like I’d told her the first time I’d brought her with me—a small smile tipping up her lips. Our routine was that any time I was in the gym or sparring, she would spend the time writing on the laptop I’d given her. She insisted she was just borrowing it, but I would save that argument for another day.

My Little girl was a talented writer and there was no way I was going to let her go back to having to use notebooks and long trips to the library so she could get her work out into the world. Before I convinced her to give me her pen name, I’d never read a romance book. It wasn’t the type of fiction that I’d read, so I couldn't really compare her talent to the others in her genre. But after I'd found out she was a published author, I'd taken the time to do a bit of research.

She had over twenty published books and if the reviews were to be believed, a devoted fan base. Words like brilliant and sexy were some of the most common descriptions of her work. I was determined to make sure that when she agreed to be mine the only type of work she’d ever have to do again was share her beautiful mind and stories with the world.

“Hey, princess. What do you need?”

She looked down as if nervous I might say no to whatever she was going to ask. Didn’t she know by now that I would give her the world if she let me?

“Zoe just texted. All the LJGs are getting together for lunch over at The Sandwich Bar. I know we had plans but I was hoping–”

“Of course you can go.”

Over the past few weeks Alyssa hadn’t left my side. I’d enjoyed every moment and hoped our future would contain much of the same, but I didn't want her to feel like I was isolating her from her friends. The smile that lit up her eyes let me know made the right decision.

“Thank you, Da…” Her gaze flitted around the room and she cleared her throat. “Uhm, Gabriel.”

The first few days of our arrangement had been awkward. She’d tried to distance us by calling me by my name. As she grew more comfortable, and I proved to her that I wasn’t going to push her on a physical level she’d slipped more and more calling me Daddy at least while we were in private. Every time she used the title, I felt like I’d won a small battle. Keeping my hands and lips off the tempting woman was hard, but I knew in my heart she was worth the wait.

“You know you can call me whatever you want, wherever you want.”

Her eyes sparkled with mischief. “Okay, snookums.”

A laugh burst out of me and I tapped her nose with a finger. “Imp.” I loved the way that my girl walked on the right side of sassy without crossing into bratty.

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