Page 28 of His Jersey Girl

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Was he? Part of the reason that everything felt like some kind of strange coma dream was that I couldn't believe that someone like Gabriel wanted me as his Little girl. The man was kind, handsome, and famous. I was just a homeless massage therapist who liked to write stories. I stared up at the door to the bedroom and hugged Bruiser to my chest and shrugged.

“Oh, no no no! I don't like that look in your eyes, Alyssa. I may not be sure if that big lug is good enough for you, but don't you dare shrug like you think you are not good enough for him. You are fabulous and he is lucky to breathe the same air as you.”

I snorted. “I love you girl, but he's so out of my league it's not even funny.”

The glare she gave me through the phone was impressive. She was so rabidly protective it was sometimes hard to remember she was a Little like me. I was glad to have her as a friend rather than an enemy.

“Any Daddy would be lucky to have any one of the LJGs as their own. Don't you forget it. So what if he's famous or has a lot of zeros in his bank account? Doesn’t mean he doesn’t stink up the bathroom after eating Mexican.”


“Just one of you is worth a million other people. Plus, and I hate to admit this, but I saw that man’s face when I confronted him. He is hooked on you.”

“Really?” I wasn’t usually this insecure, but it had been a long, hard week.

Her face softened and she moved the camera back as she sat. “Really. Dammit, Alyssa this phone call was supposed to be about me warning you off of going too fast. I had this whole plan to tell you not to move in with him. That you were too good for the musclehead so you should make him work to prove himself.”

“And now?”

“Now you have me feeling all mushy.”

I couldn’t help my smile. “So you think I should give him a chance?”

“You're in his penthouse suite. You spent the night with him. You’ve got a dopey look on your face and you're hugging one of the cutest stuffies I've ever seen. Are you trying to tell me that you aren't already giving him a chance?”

When she put it that way… “Yeah, I guess I kinda am. Which reminds me, I have to go over to Lucia’s to get my stuff unless I want to wear the same clothes every day.” Plus I needed my writing books. Would Gabriel get upset if I snuck out to spend some time at the library? I had several chapters to type up.

“No need. Lucia called Grace and she brought it with her when she came to work. I was planning on holding it hostage until I talked some sense into you, but I’ll have someone bring it up to his room.” She said that as if it would be some big hassle, but I knew she would just order one of the bellhops to do it.

“You guys really are the best. Thank you so much.” I made sure to sound appropriately grateful and knew I’d succeeded when she gave me a regal nod.

“I’m still not sure if he's good enough for you. Let him know I will kick his ass if he hurts you.”

As I tried to get my laughter under control an email notification popped up. The only thing I could read before it disappeared was from [email protected]. Why would they be contacting me on my day off?

“I'll tell him.”

“No you won't. But I will.” Zoe wiggled her eyebrows like a comic book villain.

“I love you, Zoe.”

“I love you too, Alyssa-girl.”

“I gotta go. I promise I'll text y'all later.” I gave her air kisses before hitting the end button.

It was my day off, so the temptation to not open my email was high. Unfortunately, curiosity was one of my bigger sins.

“What did you do?” The volume of my voice startled me as I stomped into the main area of the suite clutching my phone in one hand and Bruiser in the other. Unwilling to back down, I crossed my arms and gave Gabriel my angriest glare.

Color flushed my cheeks as I realized he was talking on the phone, but I tried not to let my embarrassment at shouting show on my face. His lifting of a single eyebrow as he turned toward me made me reconsider my plan of yelling at him.

“I'm gonna need to go. Tell them I don't want to make any announcements just yet. But to draw up some different options for me. It seems I've got a Little girl here who needs some attention.”

Who was he talking to? And what would he be announcing?

Gabriel ended his call and crossed his arms.

I tried to hold on to my anger. “I don't need attention. I need an answer to my question.”

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