Page 27 of His Jersey Girl

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“I’ll have to warn Alyssa. Did you give PR a heads up?” I paid my PR team enough that something like this shouldn’t be an issue, but sometimes there were surprises. And not the good kind.

“Not yet, I needed to know what you wanted me to tell them.”

“What is that supposed to mean, Rocco?”

“It means, am I telling them she’s a really good massage therapist or your girlfriend? Are we covering things up or making an announcement?”

What did I want to do? It was tempting to want to tell the world. I’d shout it from the rooftops if I could, but it wasn’t my call alone. I wanted to be her Daddy, but we were too new for me to be making life-changing decisions for her. I sighed, accepting that annoying fact.

“She’s my Little girl.”

“You really think she’s the one?” I could have sworn Rocco’s voice held a touch of jealousy, but I tried to ignore it.

“Yes. But I know I can’t tell the PR team that and I don’t want to announce a relationship without getting her okay.” I ran a hand across the back of my neck, trying to ease the tension there. “Tell them to do whatever they need to do to keep her sheltered if something happens. Hopefully the asshole keeps his mouth shut and we don’t have to worry.”

“Even if he does, you know it will be years before the press completely leaves you alone. If she’s going to be your girl, you need to help her understand what that means.”

I knew Rocco was right. I wasn’t ‘A-list movie star’ famous but there was always someone willing to make a quick buck or two by splashing the details of my private life online. I needed to figure out how to win Alyssa’s heart and convince her that being my Little girl was worth losing some of her privacy.

Luckily, I was never one to back down from a challenge.




Sitting next to my phone on the end table was the cutest stuffy I had ever seen. The fluffy Shih- Tzu had purple and blue fur and the most adorable eyes and floppy ears. He just called out for cuddles and love. I picked him up and rubbed him against my cheek. The soft feel of his fur gave me the warm fuzzies. I couldn't help but squeeze him and giggle. When had Gabriel gotten him for me?

“Now what am I going to call you?”

I hopped up on the bed and studied him closely. A stuffy’s name was sacred and absolutely permanent so I didn’t want to mess it up. It needed to not only fit his personality, but have something of the wonderful Daddy who’d gifted him to me.

“Hmm. I’ve got it. Bruiser!”

A small part of my brain couldn't believe that any of this was real. It would just be just my luck to wake up at some point and find out that all my time with Gabriel had been a concussion dream from when I got hit with the pillow. Instead of finding my perfect Daddy, I was actually recovering in a hospital bed somewhere.

Oh, that would be a great idea for a book. A Little with prophetic dreams solving crimes… Her Daddy could be a police officer she’s trying to convince to believe her. Dang it, I didn't have my notebooks.

I shook my head trying to focus and pinched myself needing to know this was real. My arm throbbed with the pain proving as much as it could that I wasn’t asleep. I sat cross-legged considering my options as I propped my phone against a pillow. Calling Lucia would be so much easier, but it would only delay talking to Zoe, not avoid it.

I was never the type to put something off. Well, unless it was exercise or eating vegetables. Or confronting someone. And there was the finding a new apartment thing. Okay, I wasn’t the type to put off talking to friends, even if they were mad at me. Needing to see her face, I started a video call with Zoe.

“Alyssa Anne McKenzie! Where the heck have you been?” Her face was so close to the camera I could probably count her eyelashes. She was probably trying for a stern older sister vibe but honestly couldn't hold back my giggle.

“Don't you laugh at me. This is no laughing matter. Do you know how worried sick we were?”

I could hear the concern under all the attitude and guilt weighed down my shoulders. “I'm sorry. I know I should have texted you guys, but it was such a great night.” I proceeded to give her a highlighted version of our night out before wrapping up with, “And then I fell asleep. Do you forgive me?”

I gave her my best puppy-dog eyes and when her disappointed face didn't disappear, I pulled Bruiser up next to my cheek hoping the absolute cuteness of the stuffie would distract her. Lucky for me it worked.

“Oh my god, he's so cute! Did Gigantor Daddy get him for you?”

My jaw dropped. “Gigantor Daddy? That’s not nice!”

My scolding probably would have been more effective if it hadn't been for the giggle I couldn’t control. Zoe rolled her eyes and I watched her relax.

“Is he really your new Daddy?”

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