Page 19 of His Jersey Girl

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“I thought you meant funnel cake.” Just the thought of the fried sugary goodness made my mouth water. I didn’t care if it wasn’t good for me, I splurged on the boardwalk treat at least once a week.

“No. It’s way too late for sugar.”

Darn. I didn’t want to get in trouble again, but it might be worth it. The ache still throbbing in my butt reminded me that pushing was unlikely to get me what I wanted. I looked out the window searching for inspiration. We were passing the loading platform. Were people looking at us?

“What is my treat then?”

His thumb brushed over the front of my dress and pleasure sparked through my body as he teased the tight tips of my nipples. The moment we were back at a position where people couldn’t see he spoke. “I think you need to see what a wonderful woman you are. Kneel on the bench so that you are straddling my legs facing me.”

My body scrambled to obey, though my mind still worried. His legs were so big that it was almost impossible to do, but I managed. What did he have in mind? The position had me straddled over his erection. The way his cock pressed against his jeans could not be comfortable. Gabriel’s hand cupped my pussy in a possessive way that made me shiver.

“Look into my eyes, princess.”

I met his dark gaze and saw the reflection of myself among the sparkles of color from the lights around us. You wouldn’t think that looking into someone's eyes would be strange, but it forced a connection that both exposed and drew you closer. His fingers slid through my folds and brushed over the hidden bundle of nerves. I tried to close my eyes but his voice pulled my attention back.

“Don’t look away for even a minute. I think you are perfect too. Your beauty steals my breath every time I see you.”

Pleasure washed through me like a gentle wave and I wasn’t sure if it was from his words or the way his fingers brushed against my clit.

“Daddy.” The word was a halfhearted protest and a plea for him to keep going.

“You are kind, talented, creative.”

He kept talking, whispering praise and compliments as his fingers brought my pleasure higher. The urge to look away was strong but I forced myself to hold his gaze. I lost track of everything but the connection he was building through our eyes. My orgasm built slowly, and I couldn’t tell if it was his touch on my clit, the brief flicks to my nipples, or his praise and glowing descriptions of what he saw in me that excited me the most.

We touched on a soul-deep level and for the first time in my life I believed that someone saw me for more than just what was on the surface. Every one of my muscles trembled as the pleasure built to something that might shatter me. The night around us paused as the car stalled at the top of the ride and my orgasm crashed through me. I managed to hold his gaze until the world vanished into the pinpricks of light reflected in his eyes. As the world went dark, I screamed the only word I could remember.


His whispered words wrapped me in a love I never thought I’d feel. “You’re mine, little princess. I’m never going to let you go.”




Note to self, do not give a tired princess an orgasm when there isn’t a bed close at hand.

Getting Alyssa back to my hotel room at the casino had taken an amusing mix of bribes and threats of spanking. It was more humbling than I would like to admit that my recent injury kept me from just picking her up and carrying her the whole way. Tiny as she was, it shouldn’t have been an issue but after a few blocks I gave up on walking and got a taxi.

The great massage and wonderful night of sleep with her curled up against me had worked miracles. My back hadn’t twinged during my early morning workout. It was still early, and I was on my way back to my room. Hopefully she was still asleep in my bed. I thanked my lucky stars that she wasn’t scheduled to work today so after I showered I could take my time waking her up properly. Then we could enjoy a lazy day in the room exploring the growing connection between us.

Despite her adorable bratting, last night had been everything I could have asked for. We’d talked about her dreams and ambitions while sharing fries and staring out over the ocean waves. The joy that sparkled in her eyes when she talked about her writing had lit her up in a way that made her almost glow. I’d hated how quickly that had vanished when I’d asked her about her day job. Every Daddy instinct I had told me the problems she had there were more than just the usual workplace boredom.

My girl deserved nothing but light and laughter and I’d had to bite my tongue to stop from immediately demanding she quit. Rationally, I knew it was too soon to convince her to quit and let me support her financially, but I wanted to. I’d worked hard and had more than enough money to give her the freedom to follow her dreams even if she never made another dollar on her books.

Her negative reaction to being thought of as a sugar baby was the only thing that gave me pause. There was no doubt in my mind that if I offered, she would resist. I would have to earn her trust, show her that we were something special. In order to do that, I needed to spend as much time with her as my schedule would allow. The insanely irregular work hours she’d described would make that complicated.

“Hold it right there, buster!”

Was someone yelling at me?

“I said, not another step, Mr. Destroyer.”

The yelled words made me pause and turn around. Who the heck was shouting my ring name down a hallway? The polite use of ‘Mr.’ made me smile though it didn't hide the annoyance that filled the words. Stomping toward me were two familiar-looking women. The obviously pissed-off black woman in the lead had to be the shouter. She wore a scowl on her face that was probably supposed to be intimidating, but the unflattering hotel staff uniform and the stomping pace that was just short of running reminded me more of a pissed-off kitten.

It took a moment before recognition hit. These were two of Alyssa’s friends from the club. Unfortunately, I hadn’t gotten their names. The one in the lead with the ebony braids tightly pulled back from her face had caught Rocco’s attention. The glints of sparkle and color woven into them were the only hints that a Little hid under her stern surface. My friend loved brats and I guessed by the scowl and attitude clearly visible on her face this woman probably fell squarely into that dramatic box.

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