Page 18 of His Jersey Girl

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“Yes, Daddy.”

“Okay, we’re high enough now. Over my lap.”

His hand withdrew and I couldn’t help but shake as I turned and bent over his large legs. Time and my surroundings seemed to disappear as he lifted my skirt and the cool night air brushed against my exposed skin. Without hesitation he pulled down my panties and slipped them off, leaving me completely bare. When he slipped them into my mouth as an impromptu gag, I almost came as embarrassment shot through me.

He rubbed my ass slowly warming up the skin. “When Daddy tells you no, you don’t argue, back talk, or mock him.”

Pain shot through my backside as his first blow landed on my right cheek. My whimper was muffled by the fabric in my mouth. I’d known I shouldn’t do those things even as I did them, but it had been so long since someone had held me accountable. The second strike was harder on the other side and I squirmed to get away from it.

He pinned me with ease as he landed three more strikes. Heat filled my core as the pain melded into something else.

“You don’t leave Daddy’s side when we are in a crowd and you definitely don’t blow off my concern when I call you on it.”

His next strike hit my pussy dead center with a wet slap and I groaned more from embarrassment than the pain. Spanking was always like this for me. The heat and pain made me feel alive, centered and horny enough that I usually disappeared to the girls’ bathroom to relieve the stress almost immediately. I wouldn’t be able to do that now and the ache inside me pulsed to almost the same rhythm as my now-red ass. His last four blows rode the edge of what I could take but I didn’t care because I deserved it.

Gabriel made simple rules for me before we ventured out and I had ignored them without even a thought. He’d warned me that sometimes he had aggressive fans and he wanted to be sure he could protect me if anything happened. Cathartic tears poured down my cheeks as he sat me up and cuddled me close.

“It’s all done now, Princess.” He stroked my hair, and I felt a sense of calm slide through my soul as his gentle murmured words registered. He pulled my panties from my mouth and pocketed them.

This was what I needed. What I wrote about in my stories. Crime and consequences. A simple system that created balance. You paid the price and whatever you had done was forgiven. The beauty of having someone who cares enough to hold you to a higher standard while allowing you the freedom to make mistakes and move on.

My ass ached and my pussy and nipples throbbed but the clean joy that filled up my soul was almost indescribable. “Thank you, Daddy.” I looked out the window and saw that we were just starting on the downward part of the ride. “Am I going crazy or is this ride going really slow?”

“I may have bribed the operator to keep things slow so we didn’t have to rush.”


He chuckled and pulled me close. “On our next go-round he’s going to stop us at the top so you can enjoy the view.”

I’d been on the wheel once before and from what I remembered it usually took five minutes to do a full loop and we had well exceeded that. What was he planning for our next trip around? I squirmed a bit. Yikes! My bare ass was pressed against his jeans and I was probably making a mess. My cheeks burned with embarrassment.

“Can you tell me why you acted out like that, princess? Were you just testing Daddy or was there more to it?”

Ugh, why did he want to talk? I mean really, he’d spanked me, wasn’t that enough? I took in a deep breath trying to put my crazy thoughts into words but all that came out was, “You’re too good to be true.”

His arms tightened around me and the squirming in my stomach settled.

“Too good?” Gabriel’s voice held a hint of amusement.

“Yes. You’re nice, gorgeous, and strong. If that isn’t bad enough, you’re also famous, rich and way too smart for me.” My throat tightened making it hard to talk. “When you realize I’m not perfect like you, you'll disappear.”

I shrugged. Not that I’d admit it out loud, but I knew down to my toes that when he did it would break something inside me. I’d been trying to push him into being less perfect so that it wouldn’t hurt so much when he left.

“I’m not going to disappear.”

He stroked my hair and I wanted to wrap myself around him like a baby koala.

“You even know the perfect thing to say,” I mumbled. “I’m just a high school dropout who makes her money rubbing her feet on people.”

A flash of pain shot through me as Gabriel smacked my hip. “I know we didn’t set down a rule for this yet, but no one is allowed to talk badly about my sweet princess. If I won’t allow other people to do it, I definitely won’t let you do it.”

“Yes, Daddy,” I grumbled. We were finally reaching the lower side of the ride, but I didn’t care if someone saw me curled up in his lap. “Can we get off now?” If we spent another fifteen minutes cuddled up like this, I wasn’t sure I could keep my heart safe.


“Why not?” He raised an eyebrow and my ass throbbed as a reminder that I had just gotten in trouble for arguing. “I’m not arguing. I just want to know why.”

“Did you forget? I promised you a treat if you were a good girl.”

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