Page 11 of His Jersey Girl

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“Well, atsu means pressure and Shi means fingers.” She wiggled her hands as if I needed a demonstration.

“Okay....” I dragged the word out, still confused.

“Ashi means foot.” She stood and I could see her out of the corner of my eye as she gripped something over her head.

Her foot slid down my spine in a motion that was both slow and graceful. It felt so amazing I was rendered speechless. For ninety minutes the only sounds I could make were those of pleasure as she used the full weight of her body to slowly unlock every ache and knot in my back.

It was a sensual but not sexual experience. At times I could tell she was being playful as she alternated pressure in an almost-choreographed dance along my back. The release of the pain was like a drug filling my body with happy endorphins and by the time she walked back down the wooden steps I was so relaxed I could have slept.

“What do you think?” Her voice was tired, but her smile was genuine. She leaned down and toweled the oil off her feet before sliding back into her shoes that I could now tell were a type of slipper.

I sat up and stretched. My back was still sore but nothing like it had been when I walked in. I let her see the gratitude in my gaze. “I think I owe you dinner.”




“Looks like your last client of the day is a no-show. I have a sixty-minute session getting changed right now. Once it’s done, we can take the bus to my place and get you settled in.” Lucia smiled.

It had been a long day and my lack of sleep felt like a lead blanket hanging over my shoulders. Usually, I didn’t mind taking five clients but Seth had scheduled them back to back without more than a ten-minute break between each. Lunch had been out of the question since I hadn’t been able to pack anything, and my stomach felt like it was a hungry monster gnawing at my spine.

Losing the money for the last session sucked but it was probably for the best. The only good part of my day had been Gabriel. The sounds he’d made when I worked out the tension in his back had been over-the-top sexy. I’d never been attracted to one of my clients before. The bet we’d made had been silly and I hadn’t planned on holding him to it. When I’d tried to tell him that, I’d almost cheered when he’d insisted. We were meeting in the casino lounge at six and I still hadn’t decided where I wanted to go.

Oh my god! I’m an idiot.

In the excitement of being asked to dinner by a sexy muscled Daddy I’d totally forgotten my currently homeless state. Why does fate hate me? I finally get a date with a super-hot Daddy and now I’m going to have to cancel on him.

“Alyssa, why do you look like you’re about to throw up? You don’t have to wait for me if you don’t want to. I can give you my key.”

It was 4:30. Even if I was willing to splurge on an Uber, there wasn’t enough time to get to their place, unpack, and get back. It would be rude to just ditch my stuff and run. Right? Plus I didn’t know how late the date would run. If I didn’t have a key, they would have to wait up to let me in. I didn’t work tomorrow but Lucia did. I would be the worst person in the world if I did that when they were doing me a favor by letting me stay with them.

Hopefully Gabriel would understand and if he didn’t maybe that was a sign that going out with him wasn’t the right thing to do. I sighed. “No. It’s not that. I sort of set up a date for tonight.”

I really, really wanted to go on the date, dang it. Maybe Zoe could get me a deal on a room here. No. I would need every cent I had for a security deposit once I found my own place. There was no way my ex-landlord would give me back what I’d put down there.

“What? How? Who? Why didn’t you tell me?” My friend's excitement made me giggle.

“Today has been super busy. I was going to tell you, promise.” I gave her my best innocent look and she rolled her eyes.

“Spill.” Lucia crossed her arms and scowled. “I have five minutes and I want all the details.”

Her hard look really wasn’t as intimidating as she thought it was, but I’d been dying to tell someone my good news. “Remember the Daddy from last night?”

“The giant one you thought was Ares or the super buff one who looked like Vin Diesel's younger brother?”

I laughed. This was why the LJGs were such good friends. Same wavelength. Though really, if one of them was going to be called super buff it should have been Gabriel. Come to think of it, the two of them really did have an unfair amount of muscles. They probably needed to relax more. I shook off my stray thoughts.

“The god.” I grinned and paused for dramatic effect. “He was my first client today.”

“No way! Wait, Daddy Gabriel is the Destroyer?” She smacked her head. “I thought he looked familiar last night.”

“Why? Do you watch MMA fights?” That was odd. My friend was a shy, gentle soul. But I guess you could never guess what went on inside people’s heads.

“No, but his face is up on billboards all over the city.”

“It is?” Had I seen a billboard with his face on it? A twenty-foot-tall image of Gabriel would probably be a danger to traffic. Especially if he had his shirt off. I would have noticed something like that, wouldn’t I have?

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