Page 10 of His Jersey Girl

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“How about we say… you'll be my Little for as long as I’m staying at the casino. You’ll stay in my suite and let me spoil you as much as I want.”

“I’m not a sugar baby or a pay-to-play. If that’s what you are looking for, you have the wrong Little.” Fire sparked in her eyes, and she placed her hands on her hips in challenge.

How had I gotten so lucky as to find her not once, but twice? I was going to enjoy every minute she let me share with her.

“No princess. I’m not looking to be a Sugar Daddy, but I do want to spoil you, in every way.”

The look of disbelief in her eyes hurt my heart. Had no one ever shown this beautiful woman how precious she was?

“It’s not like you are going to win anyway, so fine. It’s a deal.”

She pulled the cooling towels off my back and slowly rubbed heated oil into the exposed skin. Her touch was so gentle it barely even moved the skin as she glided her fingers across me.

“Have you always been a fighter?” Her question was more complicated than she probably realized.

“Pretty much. I joined the SEALs straight out of high school and stayed with them for ten years. I didn’t want to do mercenary or security work, but I also couldn’t see myself pushing a desk. I’d served in the same unit as Rocco on my first tour and we reconnected when I got out. He was the one who suggested I give MMA a shot. We both worked the circuit for a few years until a shoulder injury took him out. He’s been my manager ever since.”

“Do you enjoy it?” The hot stones she placed down my spine felt pleasant but even their intense heat did little to loosen the muscles.

“I like pushing myself physically and going up against the best fighters out there. But this is going to be my last professional fight. I’m getting too old to keep up.”

My smile was teasing, and she giggled as she started moving the stones slowly along the path of my muscles.

“What will you do then? Play shuffleboard?” She bit her lip and I wondered how sweet her mouth would be. “Ohh! I know, you could go on bus trips with the Senior Center.”

“Imp!” I chuckled. “I’m not that old. No, Rocco and I own a few training gyms. I’ll focus on them. I'm ready to put down roots and enjoy the money I worked so hard for. How about you? Do you like what you do?”

Her smile fell and she shrugged as she worked another layer of hot oil into my skin with her gentle touch. “Some days are better than others.”

“Why did you go into massage therapy?”

“I wanted to make people feel good.” She sighed and the light of laughter left her eyes. If working here wasn’t making her happy then she needed not to be doing this anymore. Alyssa didn’t realize it yet, but I was going to find a way to make her dreams come true. Whatever they were.

“If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?”

“As a job or as an adventure?”

Interesting that she separated the two. “Both.”

“Well, I’ve always wanted to swim with dolphins.” The image of her laughing and playing in the water wasn’t hard to conjure.

“And for a job?”

“Someday I want to be a full-time author.” She spoke softly, like she was afraid to tell me.

“That’s amazing! Have you ever published anything?”

“I have.” She wiped her hands off on a towel and stepped up onto a set of stairs I hadn’t noticed near the head of the table. “Ok I think we’re ready to start.”

Start? Why were their stairs leading up to the table? “What are you doing?”

“You booked an Ashiatsu massage.” Her smile was so big it was contagious. “Do you even know what that is?” She kicked off her slip-on shoes revealing gorgeous toes decorated with bright pink polish.

“Rocco booked it, not me.” Why was she taking off her shoes?

“Have you heard of Shiatsu massage?”

“Sure, that's the deep-tissue massage the PT gives me for sore muscles.”

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