Page 92 of Conquered

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That was seconds before he’d received the call. I’d heard little more than him telling someone he’d be there in thirty minutes.

I’d known better than to ask what was going on, even if I’d been forced to bite my tongue to keep from doing so.

Now I felt very much alone, more unnerved by the storm than I should be.

The graduation ceremony was only hours away and I still wasn’t certain I wanted to attend. Why bother? I’d just be hassled by Josie.

She’d left me two more messages, her voice sounding terrified as she’d begged me to come early to graduation and talk with her. I couldn’t do it. I wasn’t going to form a conclusion about the man just because someone insisted that I do. That wasn’t me.

Yes, I did enjoy seeing the best in people. There was good in everyone. Right?

I stared at the computer screen, which I’d been doing on and off for hours, certainly not as productive as I’d hoped. I’d also allowed myself to walk the grounds for exercise, marveling in the beautiful flowers and intense-smelling shrubs. Sadly, thirty minutes in I’d had the creepy crawlies like someone was watching me. I’d almost called Easton, the phone in my hand, but realized how silly I would seem.

Why had he been gone for so long?

My thoughts drifted back to my insistence someone was in the trees. I’d even found the courage to walk closer, finding nothing but a few broken twigs. I certainly knew by the various crime books that couldn’t be considered damning or telling information. I’d stopped shy of doing anything else at that point.

Instead, I’d gone into the house, locking every door as if that could protect me. I’d felt so alone, the house huge. If someone wanted to break in, they had ample space to do so.

After pacing the floor, continuously looking out one window then another for almost a full hour, I’d finally kicked myself in the butt and walked upstairs to try to work. At least I’d managed a couple thousand words. Not spectacular but something.

Even now, I’d remained preoccupied. It wasn’t just that I’d had the feeling of being watched. There was more to it than that. As if I was being sized up. If that made any sense.

“Damn it.”

I continuously fingered my ponytail as I always did when I was deep in thought. My mind was lost in everything else, including the passion that had been ignited in both of us. The electricity and the connection had been so unexpected the night before that it felt as if I was floating on some cloud.

A laugh bubbled to the surface. I’d even insisted on saving the melted ice cream, shoving it into the freezer as he’d stood staring at me like I was nuts. He couldn’t understand what going out of his way had meant to me.

God, the passion we’d shared had been incredible. My body ached from the strenuous activity as well as continued need. My mind was a delicious blur. I was lost in a beautiful haze that seemed silly since we were both adults and I’d been hired to do a job. Another clap of thunder and I jerked up from my desk, heading toward the set of windows. Only a half hour before it had been a beautiful afternoon, the sun casting a powerful shimmer across the bright green landscaping.

Now the approaching storm seemed turbulent. Maybe it was a sign.

“Get a grip,” I huffed.

Maybe the truth was that our time both working and indulging had left me with more questions than answers. Yes, he’d been forthcoming, but he had the ability to be a masterful storyteller. Was it possible he was adding some crazy creative fuel to the fire, allowing me to believe what I wanted to believe?

I grabbed my bottle of water from the desk, returning to my perch and leaning against the window. Maybe I just needed noise.

My stomach was in knots as I scanned the perimeter. The clouds were thick and dark, rolling quickly. Seconds later, it seemed as if Mother Nature had lit up the entire horizon with neon. I pressed my hand to the glass, wishing Easton would return. It was silly. He was my employer, not my boyfriend, but I was locked in the fantasy of my own creation.

When I heard my phone ring, a moment of happiness swept in and I lunged for it, hoping to see Easton’s number. The unknown caller instantly shoved a lump in my throat. Some scammers still used them, including purchasing burner phones to do so, but mostly they spoofed existing numbers.

I had a very bad feeling I was about to slide into quicksand, but the call needed to be answered. “Hello?”

The deep and even breathing was the thing horror movies were made of. I took a deep breath, slowly moving to the door to my office. “Who is this?” I opened it slowly, almost certain a demon would come rushing at me.

Other than the music I had on in my room, the house was as silent as it had been before. I took a step into the hallway, moving to where I could peer over the railing.

“If you don’t talk to me, I’m going to hang up.”

Before I had a chance to, I heard a deep laugh, some asshole filled with amusement. Why did I have the distinct feeling the person was outside watching me? I was so convinced I returned to the window, ignoring the storm as I searched. “Who the fuck are you?”

“Let’s just say I’m a concerned citizen.”

The disguised voice was tinny in nature and reverberated in my ears, adding to the layer of terror. I couldn’t see anything outside, but the shadows were horrific, so ominous that I was certain there were demons in them. My imagination was getting the better of me.

“What are you, some psycho? Well, I’ll have you know I eat them for breakfast.”

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