Page 8 of Conquered

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He laughed but was definitely fawning over one of the female students. “Nah. It’s just been a rocky road since my divorce. You know how it goes.”

No, I didn’t. “Fortunately, I have no desire to enter into a dark hole I’ll never be free of.”

“You make it sound horrible. Marriage can be decent, or so I’ve heard. I wouldn’t know.” Yanking out his keys, he pressed the key fob, the lights to his aging Mercedes catching my attention. He’d had it rougher than some, his wife trying to take everything he had. Granted, the man had a roving eye, and I didn’t know all the details, but I felt sorry for him nonetheless.

I tossed my briefcase and the books into the backseat, slightly concerned about my friend. He’d been down lately, more so than normal. As we climbed inside, I noticed he was lamenting again.

“Pining away for some hot chick?” I finally asked. Students were everywhere, the approaching storm having almost no effect on their moods or activities. It seemed everyone was eager for the summer months. Myself included. I had plans, including whether or not to return for another semester. It was something I’d been fighting with for months. Teaching wasn’t my first love, merely a stopgap in what I’d always considered the evil lurking inside of me.

“I don’t know,” he said as he started the engine. “I had a girl drop off an apple today after class. She sashayed by, swishing her tiny little skirt while pursing and licking her swollen pink lips. That was after winking at me. Fuck. My cock has never been so hard. I needed to go to the bathroom and relieve myself. The girl had the perkiest tits I’ve ever seen.”

“I hope like hell you did this in private.”

“I’m not an idiot, my friend.”

Uh-huh. No, but he was itching to get himself into hot water. I almost choked thinking about the student in my class who’d done the same thing less than an hour before. Had to be the same girl. “Let me give a piece of advice. Don’t touch.”

“I know the rules are etched in stone. You’re not allowed to fraternize with the students in any format, including carnal activities. If it’s determined such actions were taken, you will be terminated.”

“Wow. You know the rules cold.”

He snorted as he drove out of the parking lot, swishing the windshield wipers as the first real drops of rain came splashing down. “Yeah, well, I’m not going to lie in that I’ve had some pretty lurid thoughts lately. You know the kind I mean.”

“Carnal.” Meanwhile, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d indulged in satisfying my needs. Granted, they weren’t considered normal by any stretch of the means. I was sadistic. There was no other term for it. Women preferred romantic. I wasn’t that guy.

There were no walks on beaches or flowers dropped off at the girl’s work. I couldn’t care less about wining and dining. Maybe that’s why I’d taken to using a service the last few times. Professionals kept things uncomplicated.

“Who the hell uses that term?” he asked as he threw me a look. We both laughed.

“Those living in the past century.”

“I’ll say. Imagine Mrs. Carter engaging in… carnal activity.”

“Mrs. Blue Hair?”

“Yeah,” he huffed and made a turn. “I doubt she’s ever had sex.”

“Maybe not.” I glanced out the window, noticing the apple girl walking with two of her friends. She slowly turned her head and smiled, even licking her lips. She was carrying an umbrella, the shadows from the gray day still unable to hide the provocative look on her face. She was pretty but not my type in the least. I preferred my women innocent and shy, even if that was all about a professional pretending.

“Fuck. Did you see that?” He was exasperated.

“You mean the one blowing a kiss?”

“She does that shit to me all the time.” He rubbed his finger across his chin, glancing every few seconds into the rearview mirror. “I’d like to take her in the woods, force her to run, and hunt her down like a wild animal.”

I almost choked. “Where the hell did that come from?”

“Maybe our wicked discussions over a half bottle of Boodles gin, my friend.”

We both laughed again but I’d been thinking about a hunt myself lately. I could envision the beautiful girl with long hair flying in the wind, completely naked and running through a dense forest. Given I was already predatory in nature, I would enjoy every moment of chasing her like a sweet rabbit, allowing her to believe she was able to hide or even get away from me. I’d stalk her.

Track her.

Smell her.

Capture her.

Then I’d spank her rounded bottom with a switch before fucking her like that wild animal my friend mentioned.

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