Page 68 of Conquered

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Maybe it was in our best interest to remain professional until the enemy was found and exterminated. I found it interesting that for all the years of patience I’d had, I was at a loss. My needs were primal; my longing to make her a permanent possession had remained with me all night long.

So much so, I’d gotten little sleep.

Meanwhile, she’d been working, coming up with ideas that were incredible. What the hell was I doing?

Sex had been used as a powerful tool since the beginning of time. Both men and woman had seduced each other to get what they wanted. There were women in history used by barbaric men to lure an enemy into a fragile state where they were slaughtered with ease.

For me, sex was a drug that once I enjoyed, it was impossible to let go.

She’d been more than receptive to my needs at least at first, yet I’d still sensed she wasn’t certain if everything I’d told her was truthful.

Maybe that’s why she’d really pulled back, fearful that by getting any further involved I’d stain her innocence. Hell, yes, I would. That’s exactly what I had planned.



Sure, I could wait.

What Styx had said about her learning everything remained in the forefront of my mind. I’d been surprised answering her questions had been so easy. Was it about continuing my testing of her or expunging my soul?

Even with her pushback, I was still in a damn good mood, so much so that as soon as I stepped from my sports car, I noticed my two brothers, who were waiting not so patiently, looked at each other the moment they noticed me.

“What? So, I’m late,” I said, not caring in the least. The fucker we intended to torment like the old days could wait a few minutes. I’d taken the time to have coffee for a change, enjoying the thunder as it had rolled into the city. It had yet to start to rain, but that was coming. Even the wind was different than usual, as if providing a hint of the evil about to be unleashed.

“You’re chipper for a change,” Creed huffed. “Even if you look like hell.”

“Not much sleep,” I said, unable to refrain from keeping the grin.

“Oh, he has it bad. Sleepless night, my ass. It’s the woman. I told you,” Styx mused.

“Fuck you both,” I told them.

Styx laughed, pointing his finger. “I told you that once you found the right woman everything would change. You just chose not to believe your older and wiser brother.”

“Ha!” At least we could make light of situations, something that hadn’t been possible until recently.

Creed took a deep breath, looking away, his tone more serious. “She’s pretty young. Vulnerable.”

“So what?” My demand was followed by a laugh. “She has an old soul. But right now, we’re doing nothing more than writing a book together.”

“He’s philosophical,” Styx said, still grinning. “Now, she’s a co-author?”

“Maybe.” I’d already thought about it. Her talent was off the charts.

Creed turned his head in my direction. “When they’re younger, they can either be pliable, trained to become what we want, or as unpredictable as fuck.”

Styx got in his face. “Wait a minute. Is that what you did with Bella? You molded her into exactly what you wanted, like a Barbie doll?”

The great leader of the mafia part of our regime huffed. “I was lucky. Bella understood who I was from almost day one.”

“So you believed,” I said with disdain in my voice. He threw me a hateful look but knew I was right. Not that Styx had been any different with Emily.

“And maybe that’s what Easton is hoping will happen.” Styx shook his head.

“I found out the dirty little secret your captive has been doing her best to hide her entire life.” Creed seemed far too pleased with himself.

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