Page 52 of Conquered

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Scumbag. That was a word.

“Yes, I guess we do. Perhaps tomorrow we’ll get a lead on who that asshole is.”

“Perhaps. And when we do, who knows what we might decide.” His grin was too wide, which meant he’d missed the hunts more than I originally thought. I don’t know why that bothered me, but it did. Maybe because we’d tried so hard to shove aside our pasts but all three of us were learning that it wasn’t possible. I wasn’t certain what that meant about our future, including when we had more children. God. What a legacy to leave behind.

It was my mother who’d once told me there was no leaving the past behind.

I chuckled again and motioned toward my office. I didn’t ask what he’d prefer, pouring the same thing I was having.

Styx had changed significantly over the years, no longer a brooding man with little enjoyment in life. He was in a much happier place, which I had to admit I wished I could find. To say we were broken individuals was an understatement but when I was around him, I had some hope that things could possibly get better for all three of us.

As I handed his drink to him, I could easily tell he had something on his mind more than just being worried about me. “Have you and Creed thought of anyone?”

“Not yet, but we both have a feeling it’s someone from our distant past.”

“I’m certain it is. Do you remember when our father of the year used to send messages like that to the men he’d targeted?”

He narrowed his eyes then smiled. “I’d forgotten all about that. You’re right in that they are similar. However, unless I missed something, the men who received those notes are all dead.”

I rubbed my jaw. “Yes, but what if he had children who were looking into their father’s death?”

“Not a bad theory. Why wait?”

“Perhaps because we’ve been in just about every online magazine discussing our increasing business. It would be the perfect time to tear us down. Maybe this reporter is almost like a front man hired to learn as much as possible or to literally dig up some dirt.”

“Yeah, that’s likely what’s going on.”

“And if he is allowed to find anything, our cryptic friend can use it for blackmail purposes, trying to extort millions from us.”

“Or more. You put some thought into this, I see. You should mention it to Creed. With the various contacts we have, we should be able to narrow down our lists even more.”

“I’ll do some checking myself. I do have my own contacts.”

He pointed his finger at me. “As I suspected. You’ve been hiding things from us, I can see.”

“Well, the two of you were busy getting hitched and having families.”

“While true, it would seem you’re doing what you can to ignore my earlier question. Allow me to refresh your memory. What’s going on with you?”

“Out of sorts? I’m trying to get into the frame of mind for writing a book for a change. It’s very dark and I need to feel inside my characters.” What bullshit. That I knew cold from experience.

“As I said, you’re a terrible liar, Easton, and always were. That’s why you got into so much trouble with Dad.”

“Trouble? You mean being tossed in dark holes and beaten with a belt? Yeah, that’s trouble alright.”

“You know what I mean,” he said after sighing. “I wasn’t trying to bring up the past.”

“I think that’s exactly what you’re attempting to do. The question is why? Is this asshole trying to drag us through the mud the reason or am I missing something?”

“I’m not going to lie to you that I’m bothered by the fact we’re getting threats and now some two-bit reporter had become determined to capture his fifteen minutes of fame. But my real reason is very personal.”

“And that is?”

“Because I’m worried about you, brother. Up to this point, you’ve been very successful at avoiding the past as if what happened to us or what we were forced to participate in was a nightmare and not real. But I’ve noticed you cracking around the edges and now, I’m certain of it. Be straight with me. Did you kill Dylan Roxford?”

I took a sip of my drink, surprised he’d confronted me. Now I was the one glancing over my shoulder, ensuring my lovely fawn couldn’t hear our conversation. “What if I did? The asshole was an abusive kid preying on innocent women. He deserved what he got.”

“Is that what happened to Zane Griffen as well? Did he abuse a girl too?” His eyes were twinkling the same way they used to when he caught me in a lie.

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