Page 37 of Conquered

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That would be easier to do with a guest at my place. Sweet Sara would keep me occupied while the heat blew over. However, this asshole deserved to die for putting his hands on her, for daring to threaten her. I pulled out my leather driving gloves, rarely used when I enjoyed the business of killing. I knew every aspect of how to keep any DNA from the crime scene. But being extra careful wasn’t a bad idea.

I strolled behind him casually, enjoying the unusually warm May night, especially since the wind was blowing perhaps fifteen miles per hour. By the time he turned onto the darkest part of the park, I was only a few yards behind him.

Something drew his attention and he stopped, slowly turning around as any idiot would do in a horror movie. This time I’d already dipped into the shadows, judging the opportune moment. It came seconds later when the kid was stupid enough to flick the bird in my direction as I’d seen him to do to Sara.

Now all bets were off. I allowed him to get a little further before easily wrapping my arm around his neck, placing my other arm on his head for leverage. “Don’t you know drugs are illegal? Perhaps not. What I can’t stand more than a rich drug addict is a jerk who abuses women. You fall into both categories, deserving to be executed. And I happen to be judge and jury. Perhaps it’s your lucky day.”

He struggled as I dragged him toward the densest part of the trees, enjoying the way he wheezed. If I did this correctly, which I had every intention of doing, the police would think it was a drug deal gone bad. It happened all the time in this park. A rich kid with more money than sense. While it wouldn’t prove satisfying for my particular depraved needs, it would need to do.

I pulled out my knife, allowing him to see the blade in the slender moonlight. As expected, the kid was already blubbering, begging for his life. That proved he wasn’t a man whatsoever but a piece of trash. Nothing I didn’t already know.

While breaking his neck would be cleaner, the agility and skills needed would suggest someone other than a typical druggie in the park.

“Who the fuck are you?”

“Your worst nightmare, you prick. I told you that you had one final warning. You fucked it up.”

“You,” he hissed, daring to slap his hands at my arms. Hadn’t he learned I was much stronger than him?

“Yes, the devil in disguise. Are you ready to pay for your sins?” I asked.

“Fuck you. Fuck… you.”

Now he was wheezing. I so wanted to take a long time stripping the asshole of his humanity but this had to look like anything but what it was since I’d allowed my anger to get the better of me earlier.

“You should have thought of that when you were tormenting those lovely girls tonight. Now, shouldn’t you have? You fucked up, asshole. One of them belongs to me.”

And my innocent fawn, my sweet Sara truly did belong to me.

She would soon be in my house, required to follow my rules, which meant I was required to take care of her as I would any other possession. The thought was by far the most sinful and delicious one I’d made in a long time. I allowed him to gurgle a little longer before jamming the knife into his gut then under his chin, driving the blade upward. At least I’d managed to get a few jollies out of the kill.

As I tossed him aside, I shook my head. Why were so many men idiots when it came to women?

After taking a deep breath, I pulled out a cloth I’d brought with me, wiping the blood off. Once both were secured back into my pocket, I stepped back, satisfied with the job I’d performed.

I adjusted my jacket, checking for my weapon before returning to the main pathway. The kills had once kept me sane. Now they were leaving a bad taste in my mouth. That was a surprising development, something I hadn’t expected.

It certainly wasn’t as if the goodness inside of her had rubbed off on me just yet.

Not that I truly believed a woman could change a man. That was a pipedream and I wondered when my two brothers would realize that they could never completely get away from the hunger we all felt.

However, Sara was a refreshing respite, a moment of allowing myself to enjoy the lighter side of life. I would ensure she enjoyed her stay. But she would soon learn that she would surrender to me no matter what I asked.

Chuckling, a moment of satisfaction pooled into my system, and I pulled out my phone. While I could make certain phone calls to people I knew, finding out the details I needed, I was well aware Creed could more easily locate what I was looking for through several of his buddies spread across the world.

So I called him.

“If it isn’t my brother, the professor.”

I huffed and enjoyed the warm night as I moved through the park, constantly scanning to ensure no one was in close proximity. “Well, I doubt I’d get tenure even if I wanted it, but that will be fine with me. My days teaching classes will soon be over.”

“That’s right,” Creed snarled. “You’re going to make us all famous by writing a book about our pasts. Right?”

“One never knows what my twisted mind will come up with, but that’s not why I’m calling. I need a small favor.” Oddly enough, I wasn’t kidding about no longer wanting to teach. I’d been saying both men had sold their souls to two women when I’d done so by teaching. I had no clue why I’d gravitated in that direction other than it had seemed natural at the time. But eight years was enough.

“I think the world started turning on its axis the opposite way. What do you need?”

“I need to check on the extended family of a girl in one of my classes.”

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