Page 113 of Conquered

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Meanwhile, I rolled my eyes as Creed winked.

“Yep, perfect,” Styx mused. “Emily, darling, ball and chain of my life, this is Sara, a woman soon to enter into our family.”

“Don’t rush things,” I told him. “I haven’t made enough of a fool of myself for my beautiful Sara to consider anything other than being writing partners.”

Sara nodded in affirmation and the two girls helped with the rest of the presents, although laughing and smiling as if they were meant to be sisters. I had a feeling I was in for a heap of trouble.

“The christening was beautiful,” Sara said. “I’ve never been to one.”

I was shocked the three of us hadn’t erupted into fire since we were inside a church.

“The little monster did well,” Bella said. “I’m thankful he takes after his mother in looks and brains. Isn’t that right, little pumpkin?”

“Rein it in, darling wife,” Creed mused.

The women laughed and the three of us smirked, but it was amazing to see smiles and happiness. In truth, it was perhaps the best day in a long time.

“How about a drink?” Emily said. She threw a look at Styx, even blowing him a kiss. “The boys can fend for themselves.”

Sara grinned as she walked away with them and I admitted it, I couldn’t wait for a drink.

“Why don’t we head out to the patio. I made certain I have a private stash of the good stuff.” Creed led the way to their expansive deck. As soon as I was outside, I caught both the sight and the scent of hundreds if not thousands of blooming flowers.

“Gin and tonic?” Creed asked, already preparing my daytime drink of choice.

“Why not?” I moved to the railing, staring at the area that had once been the start of the hunting grounds. It seemed oddly cathartic to be here today celebrating new life when so much had happened.

The drink was within my hand in seconds, both Creed and Styx flanking my sides. “What is bothering you, brother?”

Creed’s question was spot on. “I don’t know. I can’t get past the feeling we’re missing something.”

“Like what?” Styx asked.

“Just something. The end was too easy, like one of those books you crucify after finishing it for not having enough twists.”

“He’s an author alright,” Styx said, half laughing. “It’s a beautiful day. Nothing had occurred. The Feds aren’t breathing down our neck. The reporter is alive and well, already being sought after to write national articles. We have all our contracts in place, and we have three incredible women in our lives. Maybe it’s time for you to let the past go once and for all.”

I took a sip of my drink, knowing they were right. “There’s only one way to do that in my mind.”

“What’s that?”

I glanced at Creed after he asked, nodding toward the forest.

My brothers knew what I was suggesting. As we headed off the deck to the grassy area, I already felt part of the remaining weight being lifted from me. But I wanted my mother to know how much I missed her and would have done anything to save her.

We walked in silence and reverence toward through the trees. Almost immediately I heard the fountain, one of several that Creed had the workers install. I had to admit that as we walked down beautiful, curved pathways, with flowers and shrubs, birds and feeders on both sides, I gathered even more of a sense of peace.

I knew the way to the gravesite, but that didn’t make finishing the distance any easier. But when I was standing right in front of it, the sun seemed to easily find a dappled path through the canopy of trees.

We remained quiet, each of us in our own memories, our own need to find forgiveness.

“None of us were to blame,” Creed said.

“I know that,” I half whispered.

“Especially you, bro,” he continued. “We know all about the therapist. We were the ones who should have known our father would overreact.”

I wasn’t certain what to say but another weight was thankfully lifted.

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