Page 109 of Conquered

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I sensed she’d followed my command and slowed down, searching frantically in front of me. When I noticed her car, I was fucking grateful the bastard had pushed her into an area with little traffic. The last thing I wanted was for innocent bystanders to be hurt. But that would happen if necessary in order to keep her safe.

As her car sped up, I was hopeful she recognized the car. I climbed out, not bothering to close the door. With the weapon in both hands, I moved to the front of my car, learning how to pray all over again. She’d floored it to the point it had caught the jerk off guard, gaining at least a couple hundred yards.

“That’s it, baby. That’s it.” Come on. Come on. I was ready, allowing the anger to move to a place of peace.

I was certain she was going to slow seeing me, but when she flew by, all I could think was ‘what a good girl.’

Then I took aim.

It took the son of a bitch only a couple of seconds to realize he wasn’t going to accomplish his task. When he jerked to a stop, I aimed the weapon at his windshield, concentrating to ensure Sara had followed my instructions to the letter.

She had.

I took long strides into the middle of the street, not caring if anyone saw a man with a weapon in the middle of fucking broad daylight. The son of a bitch wasn’t going to get away from me.

When he backed up, I took off running forward.

But Marcus, my old buddy and the single man I’d trusted over the last few years made the wrong decision to press down on the accelerator, gunning for me. I took position dead in the middle of the street, not holding back at all.

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

A sudden sharp scream roared from behind me and I took another two shots, prepared to empty the magazine if necessary.

When he veered off, I stood exactly where I was. As he headed straight for a line of trees lining the road, I took a deep breath.

“No. No. No. No!”

I backed away, waiting for the horrible crash and when Sara flew into my arms, I was forced to turn halfway around, refusing to allow her to be hurt any more than she’d already been. I kept my weapon pointed at the man, catching a slight glimpse of his face as if in slow motion.

And the horrific smirk he was wearing as if he’d won.

“It’s okay, baby. It’s okay,” I told her but that was the only thing I could say just before…




There were no words to describe the way I was feeling other than being grateful I was alive. He’d saved me. On top of being a brilliant author, a powerful and debonair man, he’d now shifted into the category of hero.

I think I liked the latter title the best. Although sexy worked.



Suave baby.

I giggled but when I did, I was reminded only five days before I’d been in a horrific blast. Only two days before had the ringing stopped in my ears. What had shocked me almost as much as being chased by a man everyone believed they could trust or that a woman I’d considered one of my best friends had betrayed me, was the horrific explosion we’d endured. We’d been tossed back by several feet, landing only inches away from Easton’s car.

The fire had all but consumed the vehicle within seconds, leaving nothing but a charred wreck. Even Marcus’ body had been incinerated. Of course, Easton hadn’t allowed me to look, protecting me as his brothers had rolled in like additional knights on big steel steeds.

It seemed impossible now, including the fact that while Easton had tended to the minor cuts I’d received, what he called a cleanup crew had removed all traces of the car and the fire within what seemed like minutes.

Although I knew it had been much longer. Everything had simply moved in slow motion. Even now, days and nights seemed to mold together as I continued to process what I’d seen.

And what I’d heard.

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