Page 218 of Dirty Rival

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I don’t hurry to get to work or to get on with the day.

I take a long jog in the cold with Nikki. I haven’t had a dog as a jogging partner in decades, and I enjoy it. Even more so when a group of reporters corners us and Nikki hams it up and steals the show. She’s a sweetheart of a dog, and as smooth as silk, just like her new mama. Once we’re home, I treat Nikki to some bacon for making me look good while Kesha stares at me like I’m a crazy person, which has me laughing. Carrie’s right. I didn’t laugh much, but I have a feeling that’s now remedied for life.

I shower and dress in a gray pinstriped suit, with a light blue tie to match the stripe, planning to head to the office. I’m about to walk out of the door when Grayson calls. “The building management needs you to drop by and sign paperwork for the wedding, sooner than later.”

“I’m on my way to the office now. I can swing by beforehand.”

“Perfect. I take it Carrie’s pleased?”

“About this and the dress, man. I owe you big on this.”

“You already made me a small fortune,” Grayson says. “You two are good together. Mia and I are happy to help. Also, please consider this as an invite to our wedding in March.”

“Consider this your invite to ours as well. I’m not sure how we’re handling invitations, this is moving so fast, but she wanted Rockefeller Center at Christmas and I’m not waiting a year to make her my wife.”

“Afraid she’ll figure out you’re an asshole?” he jokes.

“No. I’m damn glad she loves me anyway.”

We disconnect and I dial Gabe. “In case I haven’t told you. We’re getting married on the twenty-seventh.”

“As in this month?”

“That’s right. You need a tux. You’re my best man. I’m going to sign the paperwork on the location.”

“Damn, man, you afraid she’s going to back out if you don’t rush this?”

“Hell yeah, I am,” I joke. “And I’m not letting that happen. I’ll be to the office as soon as I finish up.”

“You inviting dad?”

“Not a chance in hell,” I say, having made the decision during my run. “I’ve got too much good going on to fuck it up with him in the room.”

“And her father?”

“She needs him here. He’s all she has except us.”

“Right. Because her mother ran off after fucking our father.” It’s a story I told him not long after I found out. “It’s probably not a good idea to have our father and hers at the wedding for that reason alone,” he adds. “It’s going to remind Carrie of what took place.”

“Unlike her father, Carrie blames her mother for her mother’s actions. My reasons for not wanting dad there are about him alone. Now, mom. Mom, I wish like hell could be here.”

“Me too, man. Me too. Where’s the wedding venue? I’ll meet you for lunch. We need to catch up on a few things and the office is suffocating me.”

I give him the address and a few minutes later, I’m on the subway, the fastest method of travel to my destination. The ride is short, and even shorter, considering I spend it thinking about Carrie. I don’t think about that press story. I think of her. I’m not beyond understanding the impact of this woman on my life. Hell, I know all too well, which is why I’m marrying and keeping her forever. Nothing is going to get in the way of making this woman my wife.

I reach the street level and find a photo from Carrie waiting on me of the Rockefeller Center tree, which must mean she’s finished shopping for a dress and beaten me here. Eager to find out how she feels about her dress and the location, I cross the street and I’m about to turn into the rink area when suddenly Tabitha is standing in front of me.

“You bastard. Do you know what you did to me?” She grabs my jacket. “Do you know?” She swings at me and I catch her hand and turn her against the building wall, looking for a security guard. What I find is Carrie standing a few feet away, staring at me, holding Tabitha against a fucking wall.

Chapter one hundred thirteen


Ihold Tabitha against the wall of the building off the ice rink by the lapels of her coat as my eyes hold Carrie’s, and I can’t breathe waiting for her to react. “Asshole!” Tabitha shouts and kicks me in the shin.

I grimace and look at her. “You are insane, woman,” I say, and my only pleasure in the pain she created is that Carrie has to know this wasn’t what it looked like.

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