Page 210 of Dirty Rival

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“She’s a soldier,” I say. “But I don’t want her to have to be.”

“Tell her my business is secure. That should help. Let me know if you need anything.” He disconnects and I send Carrie a text: Grayson is still on board. That’s all you, baby. He hated me until you. More soon.

Her reply is instant: Not soon enough, but all is well here. I got this.

I reply with: And I got you.

Her response is instant: Yes. You do.

Those words say so much. They’re trust. They’re confidence. They’re about the wedding we’re going to start planning tonight. I glance at Blake. “Any leads on a good dog that needs a good home?”

He laughs. “No, but I think we could find a few options. Sounds like that gut of yours is feeling pretty good.”

“Grayson Bennett just assured me we have his business and Elijah would be a fool to pass up the offer I gave him,” I say, “so yes. I’m feeling pretty fucking certain this is going to be sunshine not shit by the time this day is over.”

“Well then,” Blake says. “A puppy or a dog of any certain age?”

“A puppy, I think. They live for too few years. We need as many as we can get with this pup.”

“I’ll see what we can find,” he says. “You know what the fuck they say, man. First, it’s a puppy and then it’s a baby. That’s why you don’t have a puppy or a dog.”

“No baby for us,” I say, though some part of me knows that I’d say yes to anything for Carrie. If she wants a baby, we’ll have a baby, and holy fuck, where did that come from? “I just need to get my ring on her finger,” I add.

And with that thought, I set aside all the hell of this morning, and start thinking about something that really matters: my future wife. I start to think of a way to make Carrie’s wedding in Rockefeller Center happen. That’s when it hits me that Grayson Bennett is filthy rich and owns half the city. I dial his number and get to work on making Carrie my wife sooner rather than later.

Chapter one hundred eight


Ispend an hour with Cat and Reese at the apartment. Once I’m at the office, I deal with one call from a client after another. The minute I walk into West Enterprises Sallie was, of course, in my office with me. “Oh my God. I cannot believe what’s happening! Where’s Reid? How are you?”

“I’m fine,” I say, settling my things on my desk and pressing my hands to my hips to smooth out the pink dress I’m wearing. I feel like a mess all over the place, rushing around and worried about Reid. “I just need to get any trouble here handled before the noon press conference at Maxwell,” I say. “And that’s happening at the Maxwell offices, which means I don’t have long to deal with problems here. Has the merger leaked?”

“Whispers all over the office. What do you want to do?”

“Get everyone in one place. Let me just speak to them and be done with this.”

“Will do. What else do you need?”

Reid, I think. I need to be with him, in his head, understanding what he’s doing. But he needs me to trust him to do what’s right. I sensed that in him and I know him. He’s always been a good man. Acting like an asshole was part of being a good man in his mind. He wanted to protect people from him. He’s always protecting everyone. He’ll do the right thing and if he’s vicious, it’s because he has to be. He’s tried to sidestep going after Elijah.


I blink Sallie back into view. “Coffee. I’ll buy you coffee and give you a bonus if you can find a way to get me a white mocha despite that press mess downstairs.”

“I don’t need the bonus,” she says. “I’ll get you the coffee.” Her voice softens. “He’s strong. He can handle this. I’ll be right back.”

She disappears and I don’t have to wonder how she knew I was worried about Reid. She knows me. I just need to remember that I know him. He needs to know that I know him.

My cellphone rings with Gabe’s number. “Hey,” I say. “How are things where you are?”

“They’re fat cats over here and big Reid supporters. We’re fine. I gave everyone a heads up about the merger and sour grapes from a competitor. What about there?”

“I’m about to do the same and then head over there. Have you talked to Reid?”

“Not since he left your building,” he says. “You?”

“No. Where was he going?”

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