Page 182 of Dirty Rival

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I laugh. “It does, doesn’t it? We could call her Snow White.”

“Hmmm. Maybe. We need to meet this cat to know what we think.”

We head outside and when we reach our hired car, we’re laughing, his father, and even last night, forgotten. Today is about starting our family and nothing is going to get in our way. My man won’t let that happen and I love that I know this. I love that I trust him the way Cat does Reese. Reid will never betray or hurt me. I will never betray or hurt him.

Chapter ninety-one


Reid and I travel to a Brooklyn rescue to meet Snowflake but stop by a pet store and buy supplies just in case we end up taking our new kitty home. The minute we walk into the home of her foster, she’s at my feet meowing. I kneel down and start stroking her back and I’m in love instantly. Reid knows it, too. He chats with the foster a few moments and then kneels beside me, stroking Snowflake’s head. “We’re new cat parents, aren’t we?”

I smile. “Yes. We are.”

“I should tell you,” the foster, a woman in her mid-forties with dark, braided hair, says, “My daughter started calling her Kesha, after the singer she loves, and she answers to that now.”

Reid eyes her and then me. “It’s better than Snowflake.”

“It’s kind of cute,” I say, picking up Kesha. “You’re cute.” A comment that earns me purrs and face rubs. “She’s so sweet.”

“Orientals are lovers,” the woman says. “She will be on your lap and at your feet all the time.”

Reid stands up. “What do we need to do to make Kesha part of the family?”

Family. I really love that he just used that word about us and Kesha. “You’ve done the application,” she says. “And Kesha seems sold. She’s yours.”

My eyes light and I set Kesha down and stand up. “Thank you so much.” I look at Reid. “I think you need a Kesha tattoo and then everyone will ask who she is.”

He laughs and wraps his arm around me kissing me. “You’re a crazy woman. Now you’re about to be a crazy cat lady.”

“Yeah. Isn’t it great?”

A few minutes later we have Kesha in her cute pink bag in my lap and we’re headed home. “I wonder if she’ll try to take down the Christmas tree?” I ask. “Cats like to do that.”

Reid gives me a sideways look. “Now I have a Christmas tree and a cat to try to destroy it. Talk about a change from last year to this year.”

“You also have a woman in your bed every night.”

“For the rest of my life, baby,” he says. “When are we getting married?”

“I really hate we can’t do Rockefeller Center at Christmas, but it’s ten days away. That would be nuts.”

“What about before they take the tree down? I looked it up. It comes down the seventh. I can have Connie see if she can find us a place in Rockefeller Center between New Year’s and the sixth, but that gives us about two weeks to plan a wedding. I still think it’s too fast.”

“It is pretty fast,” I agree, “and as much as I love the idea, I want us to enjoy our first Christmas and we have all this stuff going on with the company and our fathers. Maybe we should just pick a day in March. That gives us three months to plan.”

“March it is, then,” he says.

I stroke the kitty and add, “I think we should go with whatever Saturday we can find a place we like for the wedding.”

He pulls to a stoplight and takes my hand. “Perfect, baby.” Kesha pops her head out of the carrier and meows. We laugh. “She agrees,” I say, and for the first time, in perhaps my entire adult life, I’m happy. I didn’t realize I wasn’t before, but I know now that I was living without really living. Reid has changed me as well and I think I need to tell him this and soon.

Once we’re home, we set the kitty up with all her new things, which include a bed in about every room we’re ever in. There is lots of fluffing, purring, and general kitty cuteness. Reid and I settle onto the couch to work and we are walked over, and our pens and papers are shoved to the floor over and over. What’s really remarkable to me is that this man who came off as so hard and cold is a magnet to our kitty and so very good with her. Reid hid so much behind his wall, and it’s really an amazing thing to see him show his true self now.

Come bedtime, we snuggle under the blankets and about the time that Reid has his hand on my breasts, and his cock between my legs, Kesha jumps on top of us. Reid actually laughs, kisses her nose and sets her on the floor. “You wait,” he says. “I get her first.”

And he does.

Get me first.

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