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“I’m leaving,” I announce, not even looking at my ex. I dump a tip on the bar and storm out of the bar.

And Kevin follows me. Of course he does.

He’s been practicing for this moment. He wants to relish in my destruction.

I push through the door and march away from the bar on the sidewalk. I don’t even care where I’m heading, as long as I get away from the obsessive man. As long as I don’t hear his voice. As long as I stop hearing all the negative voices in my head.

And Kevin is still following a few steps behind. He’s on the prowl. He’s confident. He’s got an ace up his sleeve.

“I’ve got something to show you, Josie.”

His words echo in the night-time air between us like arrows penetrating through the sky. And I am the target.

I don’t even look behind at him. I want it to be clear I’m running away.

But then he speaks again. Slowly. Ominous. It’s clear he’s savoring all this.

“Josie, will you be my fake girlfriend? It’ll be the acting performance of your life. And I’ll be your supporting actor.”

What the hell?

That was the note Victor left me... attached to the agreement. Those same words Kevin is speaking...

He’s quoting from the same agreement I must’ve left behind at The Oak the last time I saw my ex. Fuck. The agreement I had completely forgotten about in the chaos of that day. He must’ve picked it up back then. He must’ve been saving that juicy information until the perfect moment he could rub it in. Until now. Kevin is simply repeating Victor’s words back at me.

It’ll be the acting performance of your life...

I stop in my tracks and turn around to face my victorious ex.

So. He’s won. He’s got my attention now.

Kevin has got the smuggest look on his face. But it’s not his expression that is freaking me out.

It’s the actual secret agreement between Victor and me that he’s holding in his hand. The one he’s brandishing like a weapon that can ruin my life.



Yep... it really is the agreement I signed with Victor that my ex has in his hand. It’s got my signature and everything, and it is clear that Kevin has read every word contained within it. He’s had it this entire time. He’s been waiting for this moment to brandish it.

My heart drops at the sight of the document.

He displays it proudly in front of him. He is relishing this chance to twist the knife.

“How the hell did you get that?” I ask him, my voice wavering in despair.

Kevin smiles.

I think about what he can do with it... how the media would love it... how it would destroy Victor’s career...

And it’s now in the vengeful hands of Kevin.

He takes his time answering me. He knows he’s got me exactly where he wants me – listening to everything he says. I can’t run away now.

“You left it at The Oak the last time we saw each other, remember? This is proof enough of everything. Of how you and Victor lied to everyone. How it was all such a cynical ploy. How you and that actor are nothing but fake. All I have to do now is go to the press...”

I sigh.

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