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I smirk, prowling towards him with a heat in my gaze that has nothing to do with the temperature of the shop. "Only when there's a hot piece of ass behind the counter," I purr, caging him in with my arms. "Why, you offerin'?"

Eli grins up at me, his arms looping lazily around my neck. "Might be," he hums, his fingers toying with the short hairs at my nape. "If you ask real nice and promise to be a gentleman."

"Oh, I'll show you nice," I growl, dipping my head to nip at his throat. "So fucking nice you'll forget your own name, sunshine."

Eli's laughter is a bright burst of sound, his head tipping back to give me better access. I take full advantage, sucking a mark into the smooth column of his neck, reveling in the shaky moan it pulls from his lips.

Christ, I'll never get enough of this. Of him, of the way he responds to my touch like it's a revelation every single time. Like I'm a miracle, a gift he'll never stop being grateful for.

A sudden jingle of the bell has us springing apart, our breathing ragged and our faces flushed. I'm half ready to snarl at whatever unfortunate soul has interrupted us...but the words die on my tongue as I catch sight of our visitor.

"Dad?" I rasp, my eyes widening in shock. "What...what are you doing here?"

Salvatore stands in the doorway, his normally immaculate suit rumpled, his eyes suspiciously bright. He looks older than I've ever seen him, his face lined with exhaustion and something that looks achingly close to regret.

"I wanted to see you," he says quietly, his gaze flicking between Eli and me. "Both of you. I wanted...I needed to apologize."

Eli stiffens beside me, his hand finding mine and lacing our fingers together. I squeeze back, a silent promise. I'm here. I've got you. We're in this together.

"Apologize for what?" I ask carefully, my guard slamming up. "For trying to keep us apart? For making my entire life a living hell? Take your fucking pick, Dad."

Salvatore flinches, a sheen of tears glazing his icy blue eyes. "All of it," he rasps, his voice cracking. "Everything I put you through, every ounce of pain and fear I caused. I was wrong, Nico. So fucking wrong."

He takes a shaky breath, his gaze seeking out Eli's. "And you...I owe you the biggest apology of all. The way I treated you, the things I was unforgivable. You're a good man, Eli. A better man than I could ever hope to be. And you make my son happier than I've ever seen him. I was blind not to see that, not to cherish it for the gift it is."

Eli swallows hard, his grip on my hand tightening. "I...I don't know what to say," he manages, his voice thick with emotion. "I never thought I'd hear those words from you, Salvatore."

My father nods, a single tear tracing down his weathered cheek. "I know," he says hoarsely. "And I don't expect your forgiveness, either of you. God knows I don't deserve it. But I...I want you to know that I'm trying. I'm going to be better, going to do better. For you, for any...any grandchildren you might bless me with someday."

My heart clenches, a lump rising in my throat. I never thought I'd see this day. Never thought I'd witness my father, the ruthless king of a bloody empire, brought to his knees by the power of love. By the strength of the bond Eli and I have forged, unbreakable and true.

"It's a start," I manage, my voice raw and aching. "A damn good start, Dad."

Eli nods beside me, a shaky smile on his lips. "We've got a long road ahead of us," he says softly. "A lot of healing to do, on all sides. But...I'm willing to try if you are, Salvatore. For Nico's sake, and for the sake of the family we're building together."

Salvatore's answering smile is a fragile, tentative thing...but it's real, and it's a fucking miracle. "I'd like that," he rasps, clearing his throat gruffly. "I'd like that very much, son."


The sun is setting by the time Salvatore takes his leave, painting the sky in streaks of orange and pink. Nico and I stand hand in hand in the doorway of the shop, watching until his car disappears around the corner.

"Do you think he meant it?" I ask softly, leaning my head on Nico's shoulder. "All that talk of change, of being better?"

Nico sighs, pressing a kiss to my hair. "I hope so, sunshine. God, I really fucking hope so. But even if he doesn't...even if he backslides into old won't change anything. Not for you and me."

I turn in his arms, looping my own around his waist. "No," I agree, my heart in my eyes. "Nothing could ever change what we have, Nico. What we've fought for, what we've built together. You're my forever, my always. My beginning, middle and end."

Nico's smile is a soft, precious thing, his dark eyes shining with love. "Sap," he teases gently, dipping his head to brush a kiss over my lips. "But you're not wrong. We've weathered every storm, pushed through every obstacle. And we'll keep doing it, for the rest of our lives. Together."

"Together," I echo, the word a vow. "No matter what the future holds, no matter what challenges we long as I have you by my side, I know we can conquer anything."

(Nico's POV)

Later, as the shop lies quiet and still, I pull Eli into the back room, the air thrumming with a sudden urgency. He comes willingly, a knowing smile on his kiss-swollen lips, his eyes dark with desire.

I push him up against the wall, my body aligning with his like two puzzle pieces slotting into place. He arches into me with a breathy moan, his hands fisting in my hair as I claim his mouth in a searing kiss.

"I love you," I rasp against his lips, my hands roaming restlessly over his body. "Fuck, Eli, I love you so much. Need you, need to be inside you..."

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