Page 37 of Kings of Darkness

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I’m sandwiched. Alessio pushes against my stomach. I could scoot down and take him between my tits. He licks his lips. I wonder if he’s thinking the same thing. I can’t see Bruno, so I can’t even guess what he’s thinking. As his hardness is lengthening against my back, though, I can tell what he’s thinking about. The details may be in darkness, like the room, but as for subject matter, I have hard evidence.

Now I’m self conscious about my hands. I don’t know where to put them. Two urgent needs spring immediately to mind, two pressing items, both growing weightier with each tense and steamy breath.

I could get a grip on them both. That would please me, for sure. I’m not sure if it would simplify the situation though, or make it more entangled. I’m finding it harder to breathe, pressed harder and tighter between these two powerful men.

If I try to speak, to say something about it, I’m sure my voice would crack. And, anyway, whatever it is they’re doing, the last thing I want is for either of them to stop. Even though it feels like any second they might try to kill each other.

Bruno’s voice is dark and spicy in my ear. “Think about it, Lucy. Life with me wouldn’t just be about power and protection.” He’s in my ear, but his eyes are locked with Alessio’s. “It’s an adventure, Princess. It’s thrills. Passion. The high-stakes game that I know you’re built for. He can’t offer you thrills like that. He’s all about status.”

Finally, Alessio can’t stay silent anymore. “Are you sure Bruno’s up to beating all of your demons down? I have the power. I’ll smash anyone who threatens you.”

My hands have slipped, one forward, one back. First, to hold and squeeze both their asses. I pull them both tighter to me. I grip their smooth, round glutes, my breath flutters, and my nipples harden till they’re sore. Two very different asses, but both muscular and strong. One man in each hand.

This day has taken a lot of twists and turns, but I’m in no way ready for this. Not that I’d be complaining, even if I could trust myself to speak.

There’s such a power struggle between these two, it’s becoming explosive, and I’m right in the middle of it. My blood is hot and pumping hard. Now my hands are wandering, sliding around, moving forward. On the hunt for two fat cocks.

“Well, isn’t this cozy?”

Carlo stands in the doorway.

“I knew I could count on you two to crash my party. I should have realized you wouldn’t be happy having a little dance and a drink and waiting for me. Of course you two pigs had to eat all the cakes and pop all the balloons, before I even got here.”

Bruno says, “Chill, young’n.” He pulls me tighter. “There’s plenty left to pop. Me and the big guy were just wallowing deep in brotherly love.”

I want to break away. Go to Carlo. But both men tighten their hold on me.

Alessio says, “Sure, C. Come and join the mutual admiration society. Give us some of your smartass barb before we all turn Californian and dissolve in a gooey pool of peace and love.”

Tempers are rising, and so are the two hard cocks I’m jammed in between. I should try to pry myself out of their grasp, but I’m held too tightly. And the combination of sex and danger, with a rising edge of violence, is too dizzyingly thrilling.

“Dude,” Carlo tells Alessio, “you’re so out of date. All the hippies in the Golden State flipped into tech bro capitalists. Now they’re all about stock options, cash-outs and living forever on the harvested blood of virgins.”

I can’t read the look he gives me, but it’s brief and I’m not sure if I like it. It’s now that I’m realizing that, while Bruno and Alessio practically made me swear to keep our intimate exchanges secret, they’ve all been shouting all of the details around like WWE boasts or spring-break deals in Vegas.

And Alessio and Carlo do let me go. So now it’s about the three men.

There’s an iron tang of blood in the air.


“Awwww,” Alessio tells Carlo, “you thought your little catalog cutie was going to keep herself for you?”

“Okay,” Bruno says, “that’s kinda low, man.”

“Not for Mr. A,” Carlo’s voice cracks back. “High class for him is anything that can be seen above the dirt.”

Alessio’s arm flashes out, and he grabs the lapel of Carlo’s tailored suit coat. “Maybe you’d like to see the dirt from underneath.”

Bruno puts a hand on Alessio’s arm. “We’re family.” The two men lock eyes. “Remember?”

Carlo says, “That’s kind of optional for the son and heir here.” He pulls Alessio’s hand off his jacket. Carlo is the smallest of the three, but he’s more powerful than he looks. “Family is like a breakfast buffet for you, isn’t it?” He’s nose to nose with Alessio. He hisses, “Lessie.”

Alessio swats Bruno’s hand away. He raises a clenched fist, but stops short of putting it near Carlo’s face. Through gritted teeth, he says, “For the sake of family unity, I’ll…”

Carlo’s head turns, “Oh, you’ll let us off? You’ll spare us the total beating that you would have given us, so as to save embarrassing Daddy?”

The looks between the three powerful men would melt steel. I feel like there could me a mafia war breaking out right here. With me in the middle.

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