Page 11 of We Three Kings

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Red-haired Angela asks me, “Are you in love, miss?” and all the kids break into a loud explosion of giggles.

One good thing; my meeting this afternoon with the mob guy doesn’t seem nearly such a scary prospect now. How much more frightening can he be than the dark, mysterious biker? Mr. Whateverhisnameis?

From behind the counter of the store, Mr. Benchmaier in his brown overcoat is stern, telling the children to put back whatever they’ve taken off the shelves.

I smile and tell him, “It’s okay. They’re just getting the things on the list. I cleared it with Mr. Clarkson yesterday.”

The smile Mr. Benchmaier returns is thin and dry, and it doesn’t reach his sad eyes. “Mr. Clarkson said he can get all the things you want delivered, but you need to see him first.”

I’m not liking the sound of that.

“Where is he?”

“He said for you to come back at six this evening.”

“When the store closes.” I let out a long, weary breath.

God damn! Does every man see a woman on a charitable mission as a nailing invitation? A potential pin-cushion? A chance for them to get their rod wet?

The evil biker, I could definitely have him split me open. Any way he wanted.

But Clarkson? Ugh. Seriously. Never, ever, ever.

Holding my anger tight, I speak slowly to the children. “Put all the things back up on the shelves tidily. Mr. Clarkson has promised he’s going to have them all delivered for us.” Inside I’m buzzing, knowing that there are only a couple of days to get all we need delivered and prepared.

Maybe I should have gone with the bad biker to get the money. Bitten his hand off when he made it. The thought of biting him makes me let go of a sigh. But I wouldn’t bet on him showing up with the cash later.

“So, we’re going to see the bishop now.” Not the part of the day that I’m most looking forward to. “And he’s got a lovely surprise for you.”

“Hey, miss?” Angela calls out, “Don’t fucking soft-soap us, okay? We appreciate what you’re doing, but level with us. We’re not children.”

That’s exactly what they are, of course. But I know what she means. They’ve all seen enough of life in the raw. Plus, I suspect, since they’ve been in the care system, chances are there hasn’t been a single adult willing and able to tell them the truth about anything.

“Okay, Angela,” I give her the brightest smile I have, “I respect that.” They quiet down at the word, ‘respect,’ like it’s a spell and they haven’t heard it used before. “This is going to be difficult. What we’re doing is not going to be easy. People aren’t going to make it simple for us.” I throw a glance at Mr. Benchmaier. He shrugs and his eyebrows steeple. Like ‘it’s not my fault.’ And probably it isn’t. But what’s that to me? “So, everyone,” I resist saying ‘children,’ “I need all of your help and I need you all to concentrate while we’re with the bishop. Listen to everything he says. Say nothing. Then, afterward, I want you all to tell me everything you thought about what he told you.”

They always behave well when I give them something to do.

A little girl at the back pipes up, “Are we going to be like reporters for you, miss?”

Jack calls out, “We’re spies!”

“It has to be a secret.” I lean down and put a finger to my lips.

Because, of all the people I have to deal with, I think I trust the bishop the least of all.

Chapter Eight


On the flight, all the way here, I played that news clip, over and over. Every time she sets my pulse on fire, and every time, I’m thinking, Danny, you idiot. A person can look a certain way in a picture or a clip. It can be nothing like how they really are. The time of day, the light, the mood they’re in, everything can be deceiving.

You flew all the way across the country, chasing a shadow.

And then, how am I even going to find her? I have to search for my sugar plum. I have tools to ferret and burrow on social media, but the little town of Greenmeadow is in the dark ages when it comes to the internet and search.

It should have its own category called LinkedOut. TikStop. WhatsOff. FaceBlank. It drives me nuts.

The caption on the feed said she was a local librarian, but apart from one mention of her name, I can’t find anything else about her on the library sites.

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