Page 13 of His Gamble

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“Damnit, she’s smart, too.” He turns to Molloy. “This is going to be a long fucking night, and I don’t think we’re going to get anything worthwhile out of it. Why did you bring the girl, Molloy? Why didn’t you bring the man himself?”

“I was showing initiative, Boss.”

Wide-eyed, the boss shakes his head. He mutters, “Saints fucking preserve us.” He turns to another of the figures in darkness. “Danny, get the money out of the safe and bring it down here.”

One of the shadows steps out of the room.

Molloy says, “While we’re waiting, why don’t I try a little pressure, Boss? It’s got to be worth trying.”

The boss sighs. “The only reason anyone who’s not a total eedjit tortures a woman is to make the man who’s watching her talk.” His eyes darkened, “And don’t you ever fucking do it it while you’re on my books. We all have our code. Hurting women and children is outside of mine.”

“So, what, Boss?” Molloy sounds tetchy. “Should I take her back where we got her? Buy her coffee and ice cream? Take her to dinner and apologize for her trouble?”

The boss sighs. “I only said we wouldn’t hurt her,” the boss says. “I didn’t say we wouldn’t kill her. ”

Like an idiot, I’m still afraid of them finding the USB stick.

Chapter Eight


Something’s not right, I know it. I call Indi. My stomach knots painfully. No answer. I call Carson. No answer.

Lucas catches my eye from the far end of the hallway. He rushes toward me and asks if everything is all right. I tell him I can’t get a hold of my driver.

As I stride back through the mansion, pacing wildly, Lucas follows me. Calling Indi. Calling Carson again. As I’m near the front entrance, I hear Carson’s phone ringing. Lucas locates him in a closet off the hallway. He’s in his shirtsleeves, bound and gagged with duct tape.

In a rage, I grab him by the shirt. Some guests make indignant noises, but they all back away fast as I slam Carson against a wall. “You fucker. Where is she?”

I rip the tape off his mouth. He howls as most of his mustache comes off with it. “Where is she? Tell me before I find a rusty saw to cut off your balls with.”

“I don’t—”

I knee him hard in the nuts, and he doubles over.

“Spare me the bullshit.”

“They came from behind—”

I knee him hard again.

Lucas puts a hand on my shoulder. “He’s still tied, Adam. Besides, he could be telling the truth.”

I don’t even look around. “Really? Where are his injuries? Why didn’t they take his phone? Why didn’t they sling him in the trunk and take him, too?” I drag Carson by his neck and bang his head against the wall again. “Whether you were on the inside from the start, or you took a payoff, I don’t know and I don’t care.” I press his chin up, stretching his neck. I’m holding myself back.

I want to slam my flattened knuckles into his throat.

It falls into place. It’s obvious. I don’t even need to ask.

“Kinahan,” I snarl into his ear.

Lucas gathers the Pinnacle members and their vehicles, and we make our way out to the bayou.

I ride with Lucas. “I don’t want an armed raiding party,” I tell him. “My priority is her safety. I’ll go in, alone. Sort this out myself if I can.”

“We’ll be ready if you need us.”

Lucas and his team get us onto the grounds without a sound. I’m at the rear, by the swimming pool. A cone of light surrounds the house. I decide to do it the simple way.

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