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“I was just thinking about how much we travel and how kind you are. Will you need to get a male assistant after you get married?”

Licking his lips, Chandler shook his head slightly. “The only woman I plan to marry is you.”

“Seriously, Chandler.”

“Why is that something for us to worry about now? Are you going to miss me if my wife wants me to let you go?”

“Would you let me go for her?”

He didn’t even think about his answer before he responded with, “Not even God could get me to let you go, Chy. The sooner you realize that… the better.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that, so I remained silent as we continued to our suite.

We looked around before Chandler set my bags in the bigger bedroom. Like always, he let me have the biggest space. Even though he was my boss, he never made me feel like I was beneath him and always treated me with respect.

After we agreed to shower and unwind for a while then make dinner plans, Chandler went to what would be his room for the next couple of days. I was more excited about having him to myself outside of the office than I would admit and looked forward to everything this trip would have in store for us.



“Okay, I’m ready.”

At the sound of Cheyanne’s voice, I closed the text thread for my parents’ group chat and looked up at her. My heart skipped a beat. Over the last two years, every time we took a trip somewhere with a beach, she denied herself the pleasure of getting into a swimsuit and enjoying the water. This trip, that changed.

The white two-piece swimsuit against her cinnamon brown skin made my mouth water. Its high-waisted design drew my attention to her belly ring and small waist. I didn’t want to stare, but my mouth almost hung when I noticed what looked like pierced nipples. Clearing my throat, I stood and adjusted my growing dick in my boxers.

“You look…” My head shook as I struggled to find the words. Her bra strap length bundles were pulled into a high bun, giving me an unobstructed view of her makeup free and gorgeous face. Closing the distance between us, I inhaled her powdery scent as she removed her shades with a smile. Those lips were covered with a dark red lipstick, begging me to kiss them. “I have no words to accurately describe how beautiful you are to me.”

“Mr. Jones,” she cooed, avoiding my eyes.

“What did I tell you about that?”

With a huff, Cheyanne looked up at me briefly before taking a step back. “Are you ready to go to the beach?”

“Yeah, I guess.” Quite frankly, the sight of her made me want to go swimming and drown in her wetness. Since I knew there was no chance in hell of that happening, I grabbed my shades and wallet while she tossed an oversized sheer kaftan over her suit, and we headed out to the beach. “Are you hungry?” I checked.

“I could eat.”

“What do you have a taste for?”

“Hmm… I love a good boardwalk hot dog. Or maybe tacos. Whatever we pass is fine.”

That made me chuckle. “You want to get it now or after you go for a swim?”

“Now is fine. I probably won’t actually get in the water.”

“Oh, so you put this on just to give everyone on this beach a beautiful view, huh?”

“Maybe just you,” was her reply, and it was the first time she’d ever flirted with me. It stopped me in my tracks. Before I could fully process it, Cheyanne was taking me by the hand and tugging me along as she giggled.

There were a few vendors out with hot dogs, but we walked a bit further down the boardwalk to see what else was available. She decided she wanted tacos since she swore the ones in Cali were better than what we could get at home. As we waited for the tacos, I grabbed a couple of blankets at the store nearby. Once the tacos were ready, we got settled on the beach. I was glad we’d flown in a day early to be able to relax and enjoy doing nothing for a change.

“I swear nothing beats this view,” she said, staring out into the ocean.

“I agree.”

She looked over at me as I stared at her. “You’re not even looking.” Her smile was bashful as she looked away.

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