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“Most of this is just junk, and half of it is password protected or encrypted or something. I don't know. I’m not bad with computers, but I’m not good either, you know? I don’t know enough about what should be here to know if something looks wrong. Would it have been too much trouble to ask him to put together a slideshow of all his shady cases?” There are documents full of shorthand I don’t understand, and packed spreadsheets with unlabeled columns, so I have no idea what they're actually about. Could be legitimate business, could be bribes, or they could be his fantasy football setup.

She laughs. “I should’ve asked Mullerby to organize his backup before I stole a copy for you.” She dips a spoon into the sauce and tastes it, before grabbing the pepper grinder and putting some more in there. “I’m sorry if it doesn’t have what you’re looking for.”

“No way. I know I’ve said it before, but you have no idea how grateful I am for you getting me this data. You didn't have to.” A criminal justice major, she interned at city hall last spring, and she's the main reason I’ve gotten as far as I have.

Meghan wrinkles her nose and leans back against the counter. “I don’t know if Mullerby’s guilty of anything besides being a creep, but he has a crappy reputation down there so it wouldn’t surprise me if he…”


“Look, I was basically a gopher, so I don’t know anything, but the impression I got was that he pretty much phoned in at work. Anyone he was assigned to defend was basically screwed.”

Including my brother, Danny.

He was arrested as a teenager for dealing weed and ecstasy. Not big time, just selling a bit at local parties for more serious dealers. And as much as it pains me to admit it, he was guilty. If he’d been sentenced normally, I would’ve been devastated, but I wouldn’t be sitting here years later searching his attorney’s flash drive for clues.

But Danny didn’t get a normal sentence. He was in jail waiting on his court date when they suddenly found “proof” that he was the one responsible for a string of armed robberies, one of which had almost killed a man. It made no sense then, and it makes no sense now. Danny got in trouble a lot, and he struggled through high school. Our parents did everything they could, they even sent him to one of those bootcamp places for troubled teens. It never worked for long. It wasn’t the first time he’d been arrested, but it was never for anything violent. Never.

Overnight his sentence went from three to five years, to thirty-eight years in prison. He should be out by now, instead, he’s still in there, rotting away for something I’m convinced he didn’t do. I was too young to fight for him when it happened, but I’m not fifteen anymore.

With a dramatic sigh, I drag my laptop closer again and dive back in. Buried deep in the files, I find a folder labeled ‘Recipes’. That’s… odd. Nothing about him strikes me as the kind of guy who saves food tips from the internet. I click.

It's full of video files. There’s some kind of pattern to the file names, but it’s all numbers and I have no context to help decipher what’s in them. I hover my cursor over the first file. Random strangely labeled video file on some old guy’s drive? It could be the answer to everything, or I could be thirty seconds from needing bleach to scrub out of my brain. I give it about a fifty-fifty chance. But if I'm going to dig up what I need, I leave no stone overturned, right?

I click fast and squint at it sideways. What the heck? I don't even know what I'm looking at. A hand moving in some kind of pale, gooey liquid, and squishy sounds that make my brain tingle, and not in a good way. ASMR? It makes me want to peel off my headphones. Pudding? Do I even want to know?

The next file makes me regret so many of my life choices. This time it’s not just a hand, it’s a woman bathing in what I’m pretty sure is pudding. She’s naked, but the focus isn’t on her nudity. It’s on the squishy sounds of her moving around in it, capturing it in her hands and squeezing it through her fingers while it drips onto the top of her head, or how she gathers it up so she can squeeze it between her thighs. What the hell? Is this porn?

More videos yield more of the same. Different puddings, different women, different tubs, but the same basic kink, over and over. I slap my laptop closed, vowing to never open that folder again unless I run out of all other leads.

“Need any help?”

Meghan shakes her head. “All set.” She pulls a bowl out of the cabinet, fills it with rigatoni, then douses it in the meat sauce she’s been babysitting on the stove.

I have to force myself not to think about the videos when I hear it slosh over the pasta. “Looks great, thanks. I’ll cook tomorrow night.”

“Yeah, um, about that.” Her tone turns apologetic while I'm helping myself. “If it was just up to me, I’d be happy to let you stay for as long as you want, but now that everyone’s back, the others are starting to wonder how long it's going to be. I mean, they all like you and stuff, but you know, you can only crash here for so long.”

“I get it. I’d be annoyed too if some girl was crashing in my living room. I really am looking. I even talked with student housing yesterday, but they prioritize freshmen and sophomores. After how cheap our old place was, all the rents seem crazy high.”

“Yeah, I totally get it. I wanted to wait and get a place with you again this year but you didn’t know if you were coming back and when I found this place I pretty much had to decide that day because they had more people coming to look at the room. We're not kicking you out, but you know…”

I grin at her. “Maybe I should go back to the Screaming Eagles and see if they have room for me. There’s a whole stable of girls that just hang out there with them.”

Meghan's eyes go wide. She yelled at me not sending a message until the middle of the night that I wasn’t going to be back until morning. I even felt bad. She’d been so worried, but I’m sure she took one look at me when I stumbled in the door and knew exactly what kind of night I had. Well, not exactly, but it was pretty obvious I didn’t spend all night talking poetry.

“You wouldn’t really, right? It’s one thing to have a little fun, but—ugh, I hate sounding judgmental, but you’re better than that. You have goals, options. If it’s about rent, I’ll?—”

“Oh my God! Relax! I didn’t really mean it.” No, the slut life isn’t for me, but maybe if it was just with Reaper, Mack and Scrapper? No, still no. If I hung around there, eventually I wouldn’t be the shiny new girl anymore and I’d get to watch one of them with another girl and something about that rubs me the wrong way in a way that I probably haven't earned. They aren’t mine, but so long as I don’t go back, it won't get rubbed in my face.

Meghan raises a questioning eyebrow.

“Seriously. It was fun. Okay, really fun, but this is more important.”

She points her fork at me. “Good, remember that when you get that look on your face.”

“What look?”

“The ‘maybe the dick would make it worth it’ look like you just had. It won’t. They are practically giving them away for free on campus if you’re willing to listen to some dude talk about the Roman Empire, and if that’s too much, you can do overnight delivery and get one with all the bells and whistles that will never complain or let you down.”

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