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“I do.”

Jack shrugged.

“Monroe gave a statement to Officer Cameron that Jennifer asked to meet with him for advice about a computer code,” Wendy said. “Do you think that was the code she illegally downloaded from Desert West?”

Jack didn’t respond.

“Look, corporate espionage is way out of my wheelhouse,” Wendy continued. “But arson and attempted murder? That’s what I care about. Like you said, someone tried to kill your sisters—or, someone didn’t know they were inside and set the fire in order to destroy evidence of a crime.”

“I’m sure you’ll find out who did it,” Jack said, “with all the security cameras in the building.”

“That’s the thing—the cameras were wiped out shortly before the fire started. We have no idea who might have been on the fourth floor, or how they left the building. The security guard didn’t see anyone, but he left his post to help your sisters. Anyone could have walked out through the front before Fire got there—or drove out the garage.”

Jack had another idea. He needed them to leave so he could do his job.

“Well, you know what you’re doing, Wendy. I won’t keep you.”

She motioned for Capelle to get up, and they started to leave. Wendy looked back at Jack and said, “Always good to see you, Jack. Wish you were still on the force.”

“Thanks. Best to Mike and the boys.”

She tipped an imaginary hat and walked out.

Jack called Margo as soon as they left the building. “Two detectives want to talk to Logan about Jennifer White. I don’t think he’s a good liar.”

“Probably about as good as you. But we’ll be out of here in ten.”

“What are you doing?”

“We got Jennifer to reach out. Talking to her now. More later.”

She hung up before Jack could ask her more.

He was thinking about the security cameras that went out, and the structure of Desert West. Someone had set the fire hours after the building was empty, except for the guard, Tess, and Luisa. That meant they were on the fourth floor before the building was closed.

They may have disabled the security cameras when they came down, but what about when they went up?

He called Luisa as he jumped into his truck. “Sis, I need your expertise. Meet me at Desert West.”


Margo Angelhart

Discord worked.

It took a bit of finesse, but finally Jennifer responded to my message on the chat platform.

How do I know you are who you say you are?

“Got her,” I said to Logan. We both sat behind his desk at his computer in his Scottsdale office. “What’s something that I can tell her so she knows I’m here with you and I’m one of the good guys?”

“Tell her I’m here and I’m still upset that she surpassed my ELO at online chess.”

I typed it in and a minute later, she responded.

Jennifer: You’re with Logan?

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