Page 102 of You'll Never Find Me

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“There was no need to.”

“I’m your brother.”

“I’m an adult. I mean,” I said quickly as I realized that was a childish thing to say, “I’ve been working on my own for a long time. I was working through this, I’ve had cases like this before, and I didn’t want to worry anyone needlessly.”

“I care about you, Margo. There’s no doubt in my mind that you can handle any situation that is thrown your way, but as Rafe said, asking for help doesn’t make you weak.”

“I know,” I said, and he was right. “And I would have if things got out of hand.”

“Breaking into your house means things are way out of hand,” Jack said.

He wasn’t wrong.

Jack continued. “We’re working together this week—I thought we did well together.”

“We did, but that doesn’t change anything. Annie is my case. My responsibility. I’m telling you now because, yeah, you need to know—he went after Rafe.”

Jack didn’t say anything.

“So,” I said, feeling a bit uncomfortable, “do you have any ideas that I haven’t thought of? How to take Peter Carillo off the board?”

He shook his head. “It was just a matter of time before he found out you helped his wife. He’ll always be a threat to you. You know it, I know it.”

“Unless,” I said carefully, “we can make him lose it.”


How did Jack know what I was thinking?

“In a situation where we have the control.”

“I’m not putting you out as bait, and there’s no way he’s going to bite.”

I disagreed with my brother. “Going to a church and confronting a priest is the first sign that he’s unraveling. It’ll continue. We may not have to do anything and he’ll fall apart and do something stupid. I’d rather he do something stupid that I can control, instead of where innocent people might get hurt.”

Jack didn’t say anything for a long minute. Then, “Let’s see what Rick has learned and then maybe we’ll come up with an idea that doesn’t include tying you to train tracks.”

I laughed; I couldn’t help it. Jack smiled.

“We do work well together, Margo,” he said. “I want you to join us. We’re family.”


“Don’t say no. Not yet.”

So I didn’t say no.


Brad Parsons

If Brittney hadn’t screwed up everything by hiring a private investigator to follow her husband, none of this would have happened. He would have retrieved Jennifer’s computer on Sunday as planned, and any suspicions about him would have died.

Brad paced his townhouse, craving a Scotch, but knowing that alcohol would muddle his mind. He needed a clear plan.

It was Brad’s idea to set Logan up, but he’d had a plan and Brittney jumped the gun. Why had he even told her about his idea in the first place?

Because you had just had the best sex of your life in Logan Monroe’s bed with Logan Monroe’s wife and you wanted her all to yourself.

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