Page 72 of Lilith

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“Nah, you good. I mean…yeah, it was fucked up, but I know you were just following orders from the top. Plus, if you hadn’t, I wouldn’t have met your sister.”

“And you wouldn’t have saved her.”

I glanced over at her and nodded. “Yeah. Hey, I should’ve told you about the hit on Lilith the second I got it. I just…I wasn’t sure if that was the right thing to do.”

“Because you didn’t trust me, right? I get that, but she’s my sister and I love her.”

“I can see that now, but the B329 I knew back in the day was pretty damn ruthless, and for a lot of people, family don’t mean shit. You and I both know that and got the bank balances to prove it. I just didn’t want to take the chance. I figured the boss told you since y’all used to be…close, and you weren’t doing anything to stop it.”

She sighed. “He didn’t tell me a damn thing, which is fucked up, but so is he, and for the record, I will never be okay with someone harming my family. That now includes you.”

“Same. So…we good?”

“Maybe. What did Lilith mean when she said you bullied her?”

I shot her a look. “I ain’t done nothing to Lilith that she didn’t want me to do other than a few minor things.”

“Minor things? You know what? Never mind. She seems happy. That’s all that matters to me.”

I was sitting in the kitchen with a cup of chamomile tea nestled in my hands when he returned home. The house was as dark as my dormant phone. My nerves were frayed, the quiet I often craved when Blaze’s cries were at their loudest fueling my anxiety. I was so worried. What if something happened to Ray or Memphis? Yes, I knew they were professionals and that this wasn’t a big deal to them, but it was a huge deal to me. It didn’t help that I was the reason they were out doing what they were doing. Plus, I felt complicit. A woman was about to be killed and I was fully aware of the whole damn plot. I felt responsible.

But she tried to have you killed.

I sighed at that thought because it didn’t make any of this any easier.

An alert popped up on my phone: Activity at the front gate.

I tapped the home security app icon, navigated to the gate’s video feed, and blew out a sigh when I saw Ray entering the code.

Abandoning my tea, I hopped up from the table, rushing to the door that led from the kitchen to the garage, his usual point of entry. Yanking the door open, I watched as he pulled the old SUV with the fake plates on it—his ‘work’ vehicle—into its designated spot and exited it. My pulse had quintupled in rate, my eyes glued to him, and a frown inching onto my face as I observed what, for him, was a very uncharacteristic posture. He approached me with his head down, shoulders slumped, key ring dangling from one finger. He stopped right in front of me, head still low, no words escaping his mouth.

I lifted my hands, placing them on his cheeks. “Hey, you okay?” I asked.

Lifting his head, he looked me in the eye, his, “No, baby,” was low and soft.

Then we stared at each other for more than a minute before he inquired, “The baby?”

“She’s fine. In her crib fast asleep,” I reported.

He nodded. “Good.”

“Uh…is Felice?”

He shook his head, and as I tried to figure out what that meant, he lifted his hand, wrapping it around my neck and pulling my mouth to his in a kiss so deep and consuming; I had to grasp his upper arms to steady myself. My body was vibrating almost instantly because I was so connected to this man, so in sync that I knew whatever happened had greatly affected him. I also knew that at this moment, he needed this. He needed my body to help him process what he was feeling, and that was a sacrifice I was very willing to make.

He pulled me into the garage with him, pushing me against the wall beside the door, his hand never leaving my neck, his other hand braced against the wall. Then I felt him yank on the waist of my little lounging shorts, his hand sliding inside them to my pussy. Groaning, I widened my stance, giving him easy access to his target. Our kiss continued as he slid his fingers inside me—three, maybe four of them stretching me to a point of delicious discomfort as I whimpered into his mouth.

When his thumb began to strum my clit, I ripped my mouth from his and cried, “Ray! Ray!”

With his eyes piercing mine, he continued to stroke and play, driving me completely insane, and when I hit my peak, he had to grab me to keep me from hitting the concrete garage floor.

I was dazed when I felt him lead me to the Camaro in the dark garage and say, “Bend over.”

Almost involuntarily, I obeyed, my hands splayed on the spotless, shiny hood of the baby blue car. My eyelids felt so heavy, and my legs were weak as I felt him rip the shorts and enter me in one swift thrust.

“Ahhhh, shit!” I whined, my forehead meeting the metal below me.

He pulled back and slammed forward, his hand clutching the back of my t-shirt so tightly that he came close to strangling me. I was so lost in the feeling of it all; I voiced not one complaint.

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