Page 58 of Lilith

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“I’m fine. Anyway, he put out the word to the entire murder-for-hire community that if any harm comes to Lilith, there’ll be hell to pay.”

I nodded, feeling tension leave my body. “So… the client didn’t cancel?”

“They did. He told me that after I fucked him. Asshole.”

“That, he is. A major one.”

We ended the call and I sat for a moment, thinking about the implications of what Memphis did for her sister. There was a time when we were sort of friends— back when she was training me. Memphis wasn’t shit to play with and that fact remained. She was probably one of the most intelligent women I’d ever met, not to mention the most lethal, but she was cunning as well. In the beginning, she made it sound like the job was less than what it was, and in some ways, she was right. By and large, we were correcting nature, ridding the world of the parasites that preyed on the innocent. On the other hand, weren’t we tallying up a crazy score card? Wasn’t karma bound to bite us in the ass for doing the work of God—whichever one we believed in? She never addressed that shit. She never clued me in on that part, but that might’ve been because she’d long sold her soul to our creator, the man who formed The Agency—001A. I probably knew too much about that relationship. I’d met him, so to speak, as all Agency associates eventually do—a faceless voice in a dark room, but I didn’t know his name and never “saw” him in person again after that. He was an enigma with suffocatingly dark energy. I didn’t fear the motherfucker; however, I knew to steer clear of him. I’d seen the psychological damage he’d done to Memphis when they were…together. Word was she’d fought her way out of that relationship. Now, she’d returned for my wife. If he hurt Memphis this time, I was going to find him and fuck him up.


“We’ll need to make provisions for you to be admitted to the hospital in case surgery is warranted,” Dr. Winters was saying to Lilith.

“Surgery?!” I shouted. “Why she need surgery?”

“Mr. Nation, your wife is carrying this baby at an advanced age, as you know. The probability of a cesarean section is high because of this. Now, she may be able to deliver vaginally with no issues, but I’d rather have a contingency plan in place…just in case. My top priority is a safe delivery for mother and child,” the doctor explained.

“Okay…so, what we need to do?” I asked.

“I know you wanted a home birth, but for safety reasons and in case we have to do emergency surgery, I believe the birth needs to take place in a hospital.”

My mind raced with all the logistical complications Lilith being in the hospital would bring. How would I ensure her safety in an environment not under my complete control?


“Ray, I’m good with delivering in a hospital. I think it would be best,” Lilith softly said.

I jerked my head up, my eyes on her pretty face. I can’t lie; the thought of losing this woman and the baby she was carrying had my asshole sweating. The shit scared me, truly scared me like nothing else ever had in my life.

I opened my mouth, closed it, and sighed, only able to nod in response.

“Lilith, your blood pressure looks good. All of your vitals do. All your tests came back fine. Just keep doing what you’re doing,” Dr. Winters said.

“That’s great! Isn’t it, Ray?” Lilith chirped, reaching for my hand.

I took hers, squeezing it as I agreed with her. “Yeah, baby. It is.”

“When are you going back to work?” I queried, taking a bite of the pot roast my dad and Pauline brought us.

Ray looked up from his plate, his brow furrowed. “I don’t know. Why? You tired of me?”

“I could never be tired of you, baby. Just wondering.”

“What else you wondering?”

“A lot, like…how much money do you have?”

“You’re on my accounts. I gave you all the passwords. You ain’t looked for yourself?”

With a shrug, I garbled, “Haven’t thought about it until now. Just tell me.”

I watched as he lifted his phone from the table, tapped on it for a few seconds, and then handed it across the table to me. His banking app was open, and there before my eyes was a number that could only be described as astronomical—his account balance.


“That’s one account. You know there are others. Your name is on all of them,” he said.

“Your name is on mine, too…but as you know, my balance is nowhere near yours. Damn, I married a millionaire—wait, a multimillionaire. Wow,” I mused.

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