Page 57 of Lilith

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Ray shook his head. “Man, it’s crazy how y’all just go with that shit, your dad having all those wives. Is that shit even legal?”

“We want him to be happy. We were young when our mother died but old enough to see how it broke him down. We’re just glad the old man made it through his grief,” Memphis said.

I nodded. “Right! Plus, they’re not really married. Not legally, anyway.”

“Oh,” Ray said, his eyebrows lifted.

“Don’t you get any ideas, Ray. I don’t play that shit,” I warned.

He chuckled. “I’m good on that. Looks stressful. They can’t all just get along all the time. Ain’t no way.”

Memphis opened the container, reaching inside to grab a piece of the pre-sliced delicacy. “So,” she began, “I have good news.”

Ray hopped up from the table. “You found the client? I’m ready to end that sumbitch. It’s Marlon, ain’t it?”

“Down, Simba. No, I didn’t find the client. I found out there is no client at all anymore. Whoever it was canceled the order,” Memphis shared, ending her statement with an uncharacteristically bright smile.

Ray and I both fell silent.

“Damn, would y’all say something? This is good news!” Memphis said through a mouthful of cake.

“Is it? Can’t the person just go to another assassin company or something? Maybe they got mad because things were taking too long and decided to move on. Why would they suddenly change their mind about wanting me dead?” I posed.

Silence from both my husband and my sister, so I added, “And how do I know you didn’t make this up to ease my mind?”

“Really?” Memphis sassed.

“Right, you’re too mean for that,” I admitted.

“How you know they canceled it?” Ray asked her.

“My inside source told me,” she replied.

He stared at her and nodded. “Okay. Doesn’t matter. Nothing changes. We’re still gonna move the same until we know who it was and get rid of them. If it turns out it really was Marlon, I’ma kill him twice to make up for letting him live the first time.”

I groaned, “He spent a whole week stumbling around his house confused. Missed work and everything. He’s been punished enough, and you know it’s not him. You just want to kill him.”

Ray shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

Rubbing my forehead, I glanced at the closed metal door. “You really think she’s safe?”

I’d promised Lilith I wouldn’t talk to her sister behind her back, but I needed reassurance. I needed this woman to be open with me and I knew she wouldn’t or maybe couldn’t in front of her little sister. Plus, there was just some shit Lilith didn’t need to know in her condition. So, I told my wife I needed to clean some guns. She hated guns. I knew she wouldn’t venture into the panic room anytime soon since that was where my armory was located. I’d also chosen this space to make the call because it was soundproof.

“I can guarantee it,” Memphis replied.


After a moment of hesitation, she conceded, “Yes. Him.”

“I thought you said you wouldn’t go back to him.”

“I did say that, but this is my sister. I did what needed to be done. I owe him big time now, and he’s already making me pay.”

“Did he hurt you?”

“Physically? No. With him, you know it’s more emotional, psychological.”

“Yeah, but as much as I hate you, I don’t want you hurt in any way.”

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