Page 45 of Lilith

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“Baby, you still doubting shit? I ain’t showed you I’ll do anything for you? As soon as I figure out who wants you dead, I’ma fucking cut their head off and bring it to you.”

“Uh…I’m not sure my heart or stomach could handle that, but I appreciate the sentiment.”

“I mean, I could bring an ear or a finger, but you wouldn’t be able to readily tell who it belongs to.”

“You could just…tell me who it belongs to, couldn’t you?”

“Right…right. Look, I ain’t never pitied a motherfucker in my life. I ain’t set up like that. I wanted you damn near from the moment I got the assignment. I would stare at your picture and shit, trying to figure out why someone would want a beauty like you dead, and I ain’t just talking about your outer appearance. I could look at you and tell you were a good person. I don’t know…I just wanted you. Couldn’t you tell?”

“I think I could. You were just so damn scary. You still are!”

“But you know I would never hurt you, right?”

“I do. Now, tell me you love me.”

“I love you. No cap. No games. All truth. You’re my everything.”

“I love you, too, Ray.”

To alleviate Ray’s worry, I agreed to see a doctor for prenatal care in addition to seeing Denita. What I didn’t realize was that he’d set up an actual clinic in one of the spare bedrooms complete with an ultrasound machine, a fetal Doppler, and lab equipment. Hell, there was even an examining table with stirrups. When I asked him how he knew what to purchase, he said he asked the doctor, Allison Winters, a young black woman he’d chosen for me because, and I quote, “Wasn’t no male niggas gonna be looking up inside me and shit.”

Lawd, this man of mine put all five letters in crazy, but I was gon’ stick beside him.

The first time Dr. Winters came to see me, we got to hear the baby’s heartbeat. I’d never seen such a look of wonder on Ray’s face, and I couldn’t stop smiling. The next day, he had enough baby supplies delivered for ten infants, and I was only two months along! Things were good. That is, if you factored out the fact that someone wanted me dead.


“Iain’t fucking you. I want to, but it ain’t happening,” I told Lilith.

“But whyyyyy? I’m horny as hell!” she protested.

Ever since she got over being nauseated, she’d been begging for some dick that I was dying to give her.

“I ain’t tryna hurt you. I get in that pussy and lose my damn mind. I ain’t tryna fuck the baby out of you or something.”

“Ray, both Denita and Dr. Winters say sex is fine. You just gotta refrain from attempting to knock the Mario coins outta my pussy.”

“That’s what I’m saying. Your shit is too good. I can’t control myself.” My phone rang and I damn near started dancing. Lilith was playing a dangerous game with me. “It’s Memphis,” I said, accepting the call and putting it on speaker.

Once I’d answered, Memphis said, “We need to talk. I’m on my way over there.”

Well, I got what I wanted. I wasn’t in the dark anymore as evidenced by me sitting right beside Ray as Memphis spoke.

“Uh, it feels weird sharing this part of my life with you, Lil, weird as hell,” she admitted. “I never wanted my family to know about this.”

I shrugged. “I’m marrying him, remember?” I said, nodding at Ray. “I know how to keep my mouth shut. I won’t tell anyone if you don’t.”

“Gotcha. Well, my hacker lady still can’t get past The Agency’s firewalls and all the other defenses she says they have,” Memphis advised.

“A female hacker? Nice!” I enthused.

“Oh, honey…I only work with women. Men can’t be trusted. Most of them are the biggest gossips, so I don’t fuck with them unless I’m fucking them,” Memphis replied, and when Ray cleared his throat, she added, “Present company excluded. Ray’s an exception to that rule.”

“Oh, I know,” I agreed.

“Anyway, I think it’s safe to say we won’t find the client that way. Ray, I keep thinking about the orders you received, especially the part about the job not being done at Marlon’s house.”

The job. I was “the job.”

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