Page 44 of Lilith

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“She-oh god!” She heaved a good five times, then said, “She is one. Get my phone and call her—ohhhhh, godddddd!”

This time, she threw up some green shit and I was fucking done. I hopped to my feet and grabbed her phone. Of course, I knew her lock code, so I scrolled through her contacts until I found Denita and made the call.

Denita arrived at the house quickly. She was always quiet when I was around her, but she seemed smart, was cool and all. However, I couldn’t help but wonder if a doctor would be better. I wanted the best for my woman and my baby. Only the best. Was Denita the best? One thing about it, if something happened to Lilith or the baby, I was gonna kill Denita and probably about fifty random motherfuckers just off GP.

Swear to god, I was.

Anyway, Denita said everything was good. Lilith just had morning sickness, nothing to worry about. Lilith said the smell of the breakfast was what made her feel sick. Damn, was my ass going to have to stop eating? I would if that’s what it took to get her right.

As Denita finished checking her blood pressure and giving her tips to control the nausea, I coordinated shit. I’d already called Bruno who brought his girlfriend over to clean the floors. Cato was on standby to go pick up whatever Lilith needed to help her feel better. I hadn’t talked to Memphis since Lilith went off on us, but I’d have to and with Lilith present. I just wanted to give it a few more days, especially since she wasn’t feeling well.

“So…you know you’re high risk because of your age, right?” Denita softly asked Lilith.

“Yes. I’ve been concerned about it. This wasn’t in my plans but I’m happy. I just want everything to be okay,” Lilith replied.

I almost dropped my phone as I rushed from the sofa on the other end of the bedroom to the bed where I sat beside Lilith. “What you mean high risk? She…could she…” I tried, but I just couldn’t say it. I didn’t even want to fathom some shit like that.

“Lilith is healthy,” Denita began, “but pregnancy is not a minor condition for anyone at any age. Pregnancy is very hard on a woman’s body, and with advancing age, the risk for miscarriage or chromosomal issues increases.”

“Okay, but is she gon’ be all right?” I pushed.

“I think if she stays active, eats right, and avoids stress, she’ll be fine,” Denita advised.

“Guess that means we gotta separate,” Lilith joked.

I didn’t laugh or smile; I was still hung up on the high-risk shit.

After Denita left, I laid down beside my woman, pulling her to me. “If having my baby means I’ma lose you, we can terminate. If I lose you, I’ma burn this whole planet down.”

“Ray,” she susurrated as she turned on her side to face me, “I need to ask you something.”

“Ok, ask me.”

“First, let me say that I think I do believe all that crazy stuff you and my sister told me. You being an assassin makes almost too much sense.”


“Memphis has always been mean as hell, and she’s been beating folks’ asses since we were kids, so I can see that being her profession, too. Plus, her being in the service industry never really made sense to me. I mean, yes…she owns a salon, but her actually providing the services herself? Nah. Gotta be a coverup.”

“Yeah, she’s mean as fuck.”

“And looking back, I can see why you did all the strange stuff you did. You were protecting me.”

“I was, and I always will.”

“What I don’t understand is why you didn’t just tell me what was going on. I would’ve cooperated.”

“You weren’t gon’ believe me.”

“Not initially, but you can be persuasive.”

I sighed, rolling on my back to face the ceiling. “Also…I, uh, didn’t want you to know I was the one who was supposed to kill you.”

“But I already thought you were going to kill me because I saw what you did to that Talbert man.”

“That’s different. It was reasonable for me to kill you in that instant. Killing you because there was a price on your head is a totally different thing.”

She didn’t reply for a moment, and when she did, her words really messed me up. “So…how do I know what you feel for me isn’t pity instead of love? How do I know you’re not taking care of me out of guilt? How do I know what we share is real?”

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